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《灵界经历》 第5252节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5252

5252. Besides this an enormous multitude can hide away in a single city due to the fact that a large part of the multitude is not seen, because those who are of a different nature, or rather, who turn themselves to other regions there, thus to other falsities and evils, or better said, to other loves, immediately become invisible, and only those are visible who share a similar faith and love. It is as a result of this that sometimes those there who were not seen before become visible to the inhabitants, and to some or many of those who come to them there. And together with them their houses also disappear, and the houses reappear when they are seen. This is how it is in the other life, as is evident from the fact that as soon as a spirit disagrees with the opinion of another he disappears. This is one way spirits make themselves invisible; the other is by using fantasies.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5252

5252. Moreover, a vast multitude was able to conceal themselves in one city, by reason of the fact that great part of them do not appear; for they who are of a different genius from others, or who turn themselves to different quarters there, thus to different falses and evils, or to different loves, immediately become invisible, and only those are visible who are in a similar faith and love with the others. Hence it is, that, sometimes, there appear to the inhabitants some that did not before do so, and that the inhabitants appear, to those who come thither, either few or many. The houses, also, disappear along with them, and reappear when they [i.e. the inhabitants] are again seen. Thus is it with things in the other life; which appears from the fact, that, as soon as a spirit disagrees in opinion with another, he vanishes. This is one way by which spirits render themselves invisible. Another is by phantasies.

Experientiae Spirituales 5252 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5252. Praeterea in una urbe abscondere potest ingens multitudo, per id quod multa pars non appareat, qui enim alio genio sunt, seu qui vertunt se ad alias plagas ibi, ita ad alia falsa et mala, seu ad alios amores, illi statim fiunt inconspicui, et solum illi conspicui qui in simili fide et amore cum illis sunt; inde est, quod quandoque habitatoribus appareant qui non prius, et illis qui illuc veniunt vel pauci vel multi, cum illis etiam disparantur domus, et apparent quando illi videntur: ita se habet in altera vita; quod patet ex eo, quod spiritus ut primum dissidet sententia ab alio disparetur: hoc unum est per quod se inconspicuos reddunt spiritus; alterum est per phantasias.

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