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《灵界经历》 第5254节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5254

5254. I saw that there was a visitation there lasting several hours and then a silence. The visitation was made by the Lord through the agency of angels, and then at this time a mark was made on those in the monasteries there who wanted to become lords of heaven and earth and have control of the souls of all and make them subject to themselves through holy means. These were marked and immediately cast out into the northern quagmire and in part into the southern quagmire, depending on the obscurity or clarity of their native discernment. All there were subject to the monks. There were countless monasteries there. They were a totally idle crowd, and they put others under their control by means of holy things, many by magic and by fantasies, and the rest by raw force, and they did this more than in the world. When I looked in that direction later the monasteries appeared empty.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5254

5254. I observed that there was visitation there for several hours, and then a silence. The visitation occurred from the Lord, by means of angels; and the famous ones who were in the monasteries there, and wished to be lords of heaven and earth and to rule all souls and subject them to themselves by means of holy things - these famous ones were straightway cast out, partly into the northern gulf, and partly into the southern, according to the obscurity, or clearness, of their natural lumen. All who were in that part were subject to the monks: numberless monasteries were there. Those in the monasteries were a most lazy crew; and they subjugated others by means of sacred things, many also by magic and by phantasies, and the rest by violence; and this to a greater extent than in the world. When I cast my eyes thither afterwards, the monasteries appeared empty.

Experientiae Spirituales 5254 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5254. Vidi quod visitatio ibi esset per aliquot horas, et tunc silentium, visitatio fit a Domino per angelos, et tunc notati illi qui ibi in monasteriis, qui domini coeli et terrae voluerunt esse, et imperare omnium animabus, et illos sibi subjugare per media sancta, illi notati, et mox inde ejecti in voraginem septentrionalem, et partim in meridionalem, secundum obscurum et clarum luminis naturalis. Omnes qui ibi subjecti erant monachis, ibi erant innumera monasteria, quae otiosissima turba, et alios subjugarunt per sancta, et plures per magias, per phantasias, et reliquos per violentiam; et hoc plus quam in mundo: cum postea illuc oculum misi, tunc monasteria apparebant vacua.

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