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《灵界经历》 第526节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 526

526. About the dragon

When the dragon had been cast down from heaven to the lower parts - not yet to the lowest, except only to call his attention to the punishment, so that he might repent - finally, after having attempted evil things one after another, and without any result, he then showed himself as a most bitter enemy of God the Creator, Whom he formerly used to say he worshipped. But what kind of worship this had been, I was also allowed to learn, namely, that he placed himself on a par with Him, if not above Him, and even reproached Him because not everything came out as he wished. In fact he became angry, and cursed [God]. For this he was thrust down toward the lowest parts, where he was tormented for yet a little while.

Thereafter, throughout the whole night, as if insane, prodded by no one but himself alone, he cursed me, without giving a reason, he blasphemed, aiming his curses at me because I had opposed him. I could feel this all through the night, so he had been left on his own at that time.

After he was told about this, when I was awake, he admitted to it, as usual. And then, so as to avoid the punishment, he tried to get far away, to the ends of the universe. But whether he is sincere, I do not yet know.

Such a fate awaits those who do not acknowledge Jesus Christ as the mediator, and such is their attitude toward the most high Creator, Whom they confess with the mouth, while in their heart, they consider themselves His equal; and when their evil intents and attempts are successful, then at heart they raise themselves above Him, for they acknowledge no mediator. 1748, the 24th day of January. 1


1. There is a line separating this paragraph from the next one.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 526


When the dragon was thrust down out of heaven to the lower regions - not as yet to the lowest, except only for the sake of observing the punishments that he might repent - after he had continually striven to do evils without any effect, he at length showed himself as a most hostile enemy to God the Creator, Whom he before said he adored. But it was also granted me to know what his adoration was like, namely, that he placed himself equal to, if not above Him, so that he might upbraid Him because all things did not succeed with him; indeed, he was angry, and cursed, for which reason he was thrust down towards the lowest region, where he is still being somewhat tormented. Soon afterwards he became as though insane, being excited by himself alone during the whole night, without any given cause. From the fact that I opposed him, he blasphemed, and directed his blasphemies against me which I could feel through the whole night, so that he was then left to himself. After this was told him when I was awake, as usual he acknowledged it, and so he wanted to remove himself afar - to the ends of the universe - that he might escape punishment. But whether he did this from his "animus" I do not yet know. Such a lot awaits those who do not acknowledge Jesus Christ, the Mediator, and whose "animus" is such towards the Supreme Creator, Whom they confess with the mouth, but in their heart make themselves equal to Him; and when their evils and their evil efforts succeed, then at heart they raise themselves above Him, for they acknowledge no Mediator. 1748, Jan. 24.

Experientiae Spirituales 526 (original Latin 1748-1764)

526. De dracone

Quum deturbatus esset draco de coelo, ad inferiora, nondum ad infima, nisi modo supplicii advertentis causa, ut resipiscat, tandem postquam continue mala molitus esset, et hoc absque ullo effectu, tunc infensissimum hostem se praebuit Deo Creatori, Quem prius se narrabat adorare, sed qualis adoratio, etiam mihi nosse datum est, nempe quod se parem, si non supra Ipsum, poneret, sic ut Ipsum increparet, quod non omnia ei succederent; imo iratus est, et maledixit, quare versus infima est detrusus, ubi aliquantisper 1

adhuc cruciatus est; postmodum tanquam insanus, per totam noctem a semet solum excitatus, absque ulla data causa, ex eo quod adversatus ei sim, blasphemavit, et blasphemias ad me dirigebat, quod sentire potui, per totam noctem, sic ut tunc sibi relictus sit; postquam hoc ei dictum, in vigilia, agnovit, sicut solet, et sic se elongare voluit, sic ut evitaret supplicium, ad fines universi; sed num ex animo, nondum scio. Talis sors manet eos, qui non agnoscunt Jesum Christum mediatorem, et talis animus eorum est ad Creatorem supremum, Quem oretenus fatentur, sed corde suo Ipsi parem [se] 2

faciunt, et quando iis succedunt mala, ac tentamina, tunc corde se supra Ipsum evehunt, nam nullum mediatorem agnoscunt. 1748, d. 24 Jan.


1. In the Manuscript aliquid imperfecte in aliquantisper emendatum; J.F.I.

2. sic in J.F.I. Tafel's edition

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