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《灵界经历》 第527节

(一滴水译本 2020--)

527.关于木星居民(续)。这些灵人无法被恶灵迷惑,因为他们活在生活的秩序中,思考多于说话;因此,他们的推理能力是从他们的理解力降下来的,而这理解力通过他们的天堂被耶稣基督,他们的独一主教导。我从与我同在,并且现在仍与我同在的那个灵人发觉,从一个恶灵发出的一种邪恶的呼出物不能抓住他,在那里找到自己的位置,而是不起任何作用。这个灵人根本不在乎邪恶;只是对他所讲述的事感到恼火(参看517 1/2),这是一件如此微不足道的事,以致在基督徒当中,它会被视为无关紧要,如同无有。(1748年1月24日)

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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 527

527. Continuation about the inhabitants of Jupiter

Neither can those spirits be led astray by evil spirits, because they live in the order of life, and think more than they speak, so that their ability to reason descends from their understanding, and that understanding is instructed, through their heaven, by Jesus Christ, their One Only Lord.

This I was able to see from that spirit who was with me, and still is. For the evil breathing forth from an evil spirit cannot take hold in him, cannot become seated, but is without effect. Nor does this spirit concern himself with anything evil; he is only distressed by the matter he told about [517 1/2], which is so trifling that among Christians, it would be considered nothing. 1748, 24 January.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 527


Those spirits cannot be seduced by evil spirits, because they live in the order of life, and think more than they speak, so that their reason descends from their understanding, and the understanding is informed through their heaven by Jesus Christ, their One Only Lord. I could perceive from that spirit who was with me and is still with me, that the evil exhaling from an evil spirit cannot fix itself, or have its seat there, but is without effect. Nor does he care anything at all for evil; he is only vexed at what he related [see n. 517 1/2], which is a matter so trifling that among Christians it would be regarded as of no account. 1748, Jan. 24.

Experientiae Spirituales 527 (original Latin 1748-1764)

527. Continuatio de incolis Jovis

Spiritus illi, nec possunt seduci a malis spiritibus, quia in ordine 1

vitae vivunt, et plus cogitant, quam loquuntur, sic ut ratio eorum descendat ex intellectu, ac intellectus per coelum eorum, informatus a Jesu Christo, eorum Unico Domino 2

; quod potui percipere, ab eo spiritu qui penes me fuit, et adhuc est, nempe quod malum a spiritu malo exhalans nequeat ibi se figere, seu habere sedem, sed es absque effectu, nec quicquam mali curat, modo se angit ex eo quod narravit [vide 517a], quod tam leve est, ut apuc Christianos pro nihil aestimaretur. 1748, 24 Jan.


1. This is how it appears in J.F.I. Tafel's edition; the Manuscript has ordinem

2. The Manuscript has Domine

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