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《灵界经历》 第528节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 528

528. That they can tell the thoughts of others from their face, or speak by means of the face - especially those who speak little from childhood on, and do not learn to put on pretenses - is clear from much evidence. For [when they so speak], all thoughts, in their every least distinction, are marked upon the face. The spirits can display this adroitly by creating faces that pass through all the variations of a single affection in a continuous transformation.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 528

528. It can be confirmed from many things that from their face they can know what others have thought, that is, that they can speak by means of the face, especially those who from infancy talk little and who do not learn to simulate, for all things then make themselves known in the face with every least difference. Spirits can skillfully represent this by means of the face which is formed, and transfers all the varieties of a single affection, and this by means of a continuous transformation.

Experientiae Spirituales 528 (original Latin 1748-1764)

528. Quod ex facie scire possint aliorum cogitata, seu per faciem loqui, cumprimis ii, qui ab infantia parum loquuntur, et qui non discunt simulare, hoc multis constare potest, quia omnia se notant tunc in facie cum minimo discrimine: spiritus id dextre possunt repraesentare, per facies quae formantur et transeunt 1

omnes varietates unius affectionis, et hoc per continuam transformationem.


1. The Manuscript has tanseunt

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