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《灵界经历》 第530节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 530

530. They also showed that they do not force their face, but let it go freely, something quite unknown to those who have become accustomed from early youth to put on pretenses, or to speak and act differently than they think and love. Their face is drawn up tight, in readiness to vary itself as shrewdness dictates.

But with the [inhabitants of Jupiter] it moves freely, being especially let out around the lips, which protrude somewhat. In this way, the tissues are afforded the freedom of signaling everything they are thinking, quite differently from here [on earth], where the tissues are contracted, and thus unable to express the things felt by the mind. For if all the tissues in the lips and around the lips were taken apart, the truth would be quite evident: there are muscular and fibrous chains, and bundlings of the same, so complex that they could not possibly have been created only for chewing and speech, but also for expressing the least ideas of the mind, which can therefore be said to be written upon them.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 530

530. They also showed that they do not force their face but give it free play, which is quite unknown to those who from youth have been accustomed to simulate, that is to say, to speak and act otherwise than they think and love. The face of the latter is constrained so that it may be ready to vary itself, as craftiness persuades. With the spirits of Jupiter, however, the face is very mobile, especially around the lips, with the result that they are somewhat prominent, whence the fibers there are given the freedom to signify the things which they think. It is otherwise here on earth, where the fibers are so restricted that they cannot express the sensations of the "animus". For if all the fibers in the lips, and around the lips, were unfolded, the truth would be sufficiently confirmed; for there are extremely intricate muscular and fibrous series, and bundles of them, which were not created for mastication and speech alone, but for expressing the single ideas of the "animus", which thus may be said to be inscribed upon them.

Experientiae Spirituales 530 (original Latin 1748-1764)

530. Ostenderunt, etiam quod faciem suam non cogant, sed libere eam emittant--quod 1

quidem ignotum est iis qui a juventute assueti sunt simulare 2

, nempe aliud loqui et agere, quam cogitant et amant, eorum facies contrahitur, ut parata sit ad ita se variandum, prout calliditas suadet--sed 3

penes eos libere fluit, cumprimis sic emittitur circum labra, et aliquantum prominent; inde libertas datur fibris significandi ea quae cogitant, aliter hic loci, ubi coarctatae fibrae sunt, ita nec exprimere possunt sensa animi. Si enim omnes fibrae in labiis et circum labia evolverentur, satis constaret veritas, nam sunt series musculares et fibrosae tam intricatae, et fasciculi earum, quae 4

non ad manducationem et loquelam solum creatae sunt, sed ad exprimendas singulas 5

animi ideas, quae iis sic dici possunt inscriptae.


1. The Manuscript has emittant, quod

2. This is how it appears in J.F.I. Tafel's edition; the Manuscript has simulari

3. The Manuscript has suadet, sed

4. This is how it appears in J.F.I. Tafel's edition; the Manuscript has qui

5. This is how it appears in J.F.I. Tafel's edition; the Manuscript has exprimenda singula

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