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《灵界经历》 第5315节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5315

5315. Continuation about Babel

In the western region there is an enormous number of monasteries for men, but not above this region, except a few that serve to observe how things are in the surroundings. They are on the land beneath, and there are many dwellings there together with small, so to speak, cities, full of monasteries. The number of monasteries is greater than in the world, by ten to twenty fold, because, for example, a monastery that held 50 now also holds equally as many. The rest [of the Catholics] who had lived earlier in similar periods make monasteries for themselves all around there, but below the mountain. The whole western region is full of such monasteries.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5315


In the western region is a vast number of monasteries for men, but not above that region, with the exception of a few which are for the purpose of observing how things are circumstanced round about. They are beneath the earth; and there are many dwellings there, and as it were small cities full of monasteries. The number of monasteries exceeds the number in the world even to twenty-fold. Now a monastery which, for instance, contained fifty, at present also contains just as many. The rest, who have lived in previous centuries, established for themselves similar monasteries round about there, but under the mountain. The whole western region is full of such

Experientiae Spirituales 5315 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5315. Continuatio de Babele

In tractu occidentali ingens numerus est monasteriorum virorum, sed non super tractu illo, nisi pauca quae observationis causa, quomodo se habet circumcirca; sunt infra terram, et ibi habitationes plures, et parvae quasi urbes, plenae monasteriis. Numerus monasteriorum excedit numerum in mundo, decies ad vigesies, nam monasterium quod pro exemplo habuit 50, nunc quoque totidem habet; reliqui qui prius fuerunt intra saecula similia sibi monasteria faciunt circumcirca ibi; sed sub montano. Totus tractus occidentalis plenus est talibus.

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