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《灵界经历》 第5317节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5317

5317. That multitude was gathered from the time of the Reformation, and they are those who live below the mountain. Those, however, who had been [in the world] in the Dark Ages live beneath, where there is an enormous region for them and their common people. Their dwellings spread out there on every side in a wide circle so this region is full of them; but they are beneath those who lived after the time the Reformation. Those who are from the Dark Ages live, as has been said, widely spread out beneath them because when these came they let themselves down there. These, also, cannot go up to those who are above except in the center, but this rarely happens since it has been closed there. 1At A it appears to be so to speak congested, and as a result of this closed. They look for ways of emerging but find none. Several times some of them appeared. Some appeared like gods (since they wanted to be worshiped in this way), some as robbers. They are very much in the dark and know nothing at all of Doctrine.


1. Hand drawing of two concentric circles with the letter A at the top.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5317

5317. The former multitude has accumulated since the time of the Reformation; and the latter are they that dwell under the mountain. Those, however, who lived in the Dark Ages, dwell below, where there is a vast region allotted to them and their retainers. The dwellings, there, are arranged in a circuit of wide extent in all directions, so that that region is full of them - but, under those who lived after the times of the Reformation. Such as are from the Dark Ages dwell beneath them, as was said, in a wide region; for, when the latter arrived, the former let themselves down thither. Except at a point in the middle, they are not able to ascend to those who are above; but this happens rarely, inasmuch as that middle place is closed up. The point A [Fig. 7] 1there, appears as if heaped up, and thus, closed. They search for ways to get out, but find none. Sometimes, certain of their number put in an appearance; some appear like gods because they wished to be so worshipped, and some like robbers. They are, in the greatest darkness, and are not acquainted with anything belonging to doctrine.


1. Figure 7 is comprised of two concentric circles, with the outer one having a bump at the top where is the letter "A".

Experientiae Spirituales 5317 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5317. Multitudo illa collecta est a tempore reformationis, et hi sunt qui habitant sub montano. Qui autem fuerunt in saeculis obscuris, habitant infra, ubi tractus ingens est pro illis et plebe illorum: habitationes pergunt ibi in circuitum late undiquaque, sic ut plenus sit ille tractus ab illis, sed sub illis qui post reformationis tempora vixerunt, qui ex obscuris saeculis sunt habitant ut dictum sub illis, late, nam cum hi venerunt, se demiserunt ibi. Hi nec possunt ascendere nisi in medio ad illos qui supra, sed hoc raro fit, quoniam ibi occlusum est, apparet ibi A sicut congestum, et sic occlusum, quaerunt sibi vias emergendi, sed non inveniunt. 1

Aliquoties apparent aliqui ex illis, quidam apparent sicut dii, quoniam sic voluerunt coli, quidam sicut latrones, sunt in maximo obscuro, nec quicquam Doctrinae sciunt.


1. Diagram

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