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《灵界经历》 第532节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 532

532. Continuation about the inhabitants of Jupiter

The one who had been with me was becoming weary, longing for the company of his own people and turning away from those spirits who are from our earth because they were trying to deceive him and lead him astray toward things contrary to belief and truth.

This spirit also said that in the part of his earth where he had been, there was as great a number of people as the land could nourish, adding that the ground is fertile, abounding in all things. Therefore, since all live without greed, seeking only to be nourished, one can infer that there must be a multitude of people. 1748, the 24th or 25th day of January.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 532


The spirit [of Jupiter] who was with me grew weary and desired the companionship of his fellows, being averse to the spirits of our earth because they wanted to deceive him, and to lead him to those things that are contrary to faith and truth. He also said that in the part of his earth where he had been, the multitude of men was as great as the earth could nourish, and that the earth was fertile, abounding in all things. Since they all live without avarice, seeking only to be nourished, it can thence be concluded what a great multitude there must be. 1748, Jan. 24-25.

Experientiae Spirituales 532 (original Latin 1748-1764)

532. Continuatio de Jovis incolis

Qui apud me erat, is taedebat, et desiderabat suorum consortium, et [erat] aversans 1

eos spiritus, qui nostrae telluris sunt, quia eum decipere volebant, et ad ea quae contraria fidei ac veritati perducere; dicebat etiam is, quod in loco suae telluris ubi erat, magna multitudo hominum daretur, quantam 2

tellus potest nutrire, quodque tellus fertilis sit, omnibus abundans, sic cum omnes absque avaritia vivunt, modo ut nutriri queant, inde concludi potest, quod multitudo esse debeat. 1748, die 24/25 3



1. vide praefationem hujus editionis sub capite "Idiosyncrasies"

2. The Manuscript has quanta

3. supra 24 postscriptum 25 absque deletione

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