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《灵界经历》 第5321节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5321

5321. There are some in the western region in the confines between the wealthy and the not so wealthy. On the side of the wealthy inward places were opened, and the dwellings there appeared, both those higher up and lower down, which there make one because they are wealthy. Their ruin was imminent, on which account, terrified, they got up and went down and carried out their gold, silver, diamonds, and precious articles, believing that by so doing they would be saved. They went up by steps in a circle, or rather in a spiral; and the steps appeared to be full of people.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5321

5321. There are some in the western region, who are in the boundary between the rich and those who are not very rich. On the side belonging to the rich, the inner places were laid open; and there appeared there both higher and lower dwellings, which were seen clustered together there because the inhabitants were all rich. Their destruction was close at hand. Wherefore, being terrified, they rose up, descended, and carried forth their gold, silver, diamonds and precious things, believing that thus they would be safe. They ascended by winding, or spiral stairs; and the stairs appeared crowded with men.

Experientiae Spirituales 5321 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5321. Qui in occidentali tractu in confinio inter divites et non ita divites, a parte divitum aperiebantur interiora, et apparebant ibi habitationes, tam superiores quam inferiores, quae ibi unum agebant, quia divites; instabat eorum interitus, quapropter perterriti assurgebant et descendebant, ac exportabant suum aurum, argentum, adamantes, et pretiosa, ita credentes quod salvi essent. Ascendebant per gradus in circuitum seu in spiram, et gradus apparebant pleni hominibus.

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