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《灵界经历》 第5322节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5322

5322. The total destruction of Babylon

Babylon was the name given to the two regions that were subject to the two cities that were in the two corners, namely, the southern region roughly at the center, or rather at the chasm also spoken about above [5231, 5256, 5274], and also the western region at the center, which was subject to the rich city. These two regions were properly called the land of Babylon because riches abounded there, and those who were there set their heart exclusively on these. The other two regions, namely, from the center-west to the remotest north, which were subject to the largest city were also Babylon, but not so properly as the prior two since there was not so much wealth in them.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5322


Babylon was the name of those two regions, subject to the two cities, that are in the two angles - to wit, the western region at about the middle, or by the chasm, of which also mention has been made above; and the western region, also near the middle, which is subject to the rich city - these two regions were properly named Babylon, because riches abounded there, and those who were there placed their heart on those things only. The other two regions - to wit, from the middle of the western region as far as to the farthest boundary of the northern - which were subject to the very great city, were also Babylon, but not so properly as the two former ones, inasmuch as in these two there was not so much wealth.

Experientiae Spirituales 5322 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5322. De totali destructione Babyloniae

Babylonia vocabantur bini illi tractus qui subjecti urbibus binis, qui in angulis binis, nempe tractus meridionalis a medio circiter, seu ab hiatu, de quo etiam supra [5231, 5256, 5274], et tractus occidentalis etiam ad medium, qui subjectus urbi diviti; illi bini tractus proprie dicebantur Babylonia, quia ibi abundabant divitiae, et qui ibi unice cor ponebant in illis: alteri bini tractus, nempe a medio occidentali usque ad ultimum septentrionalis, qui subjecti sunt maximae urbi, etiam erant Babylonia, sed non ita proprie, ac bini priores: quoniam in his binis non tantae divitiae.

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