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《灵界经历》 第5324节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5324

5324. It began with an east wind. First it was sent through the southern region and on to the western as far as the boundary in the middle of the western region. The mountain above which was covered was carried away, to the extent that for the first time the under part of the mountain was seen bare; and then what this underground region was like appeared, namely that it was full of palaces and monasteries. Around the chasm spoken of above nothing other than something dark was seen. After this a great number of wealthy persons without monasteries was seen in that southern region. Thus this whole region was built as it were underground. And then [the wind went on to] the next region up to the western frontier and from there to the middle border in the west. There was an enormous number of magnificent monasteries.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5324

5324. The vastation commenced by an east wind, which was sent in the first place through the southern tract, and proceeded to the western as far as the boundary that is in the middle of the western tract; and it carried away the mountain above, which covered [that region], to such an extent that, first, the under-side of the mountain appeared uncovered, and then was exhibited what was the character of that subterranean region, that, namely, it was full of palaces and monasteries. Round about the chasm above mentioned, appeared nothing but a certain gloom; afterwards, in that southern tract, the rich who were outside the monasteries, in so great number that it was as if that whole tract was built beneath; and then the region as far as the western confine, and from that spot to the middle boundary in the west, where were magnificent monasteries in immense number.

Experientiae Spirituales 5324 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5324. Primum per ventum orientalem, qui missus primum per meridionalem tractum, et pergebat ad occidentalem, usque demum ad terminum qui in medio occidentali tractu, auferebatur montanum supra, quod tegebatur usque dum primum submontanum appareret denudatum, et tunc apparebat quale id subterraneum esset, quod nempe plenum palatiis et monasteriis, circa hiatum de quo supra nihil apparebat quam aliquod obscurum, postea in meridionali illo tractu divites absque monasteriis magno numero, sic ut quasi totus ille tractus esset aedificatus subter; tractus dein usque ad occidentale confinium, et inde ad terminum medium in occidente, erant monasteria magnifica ingenti numero.

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