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《灵界经历》 第5339节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5339

5339. I perceived that there was still something hypocritical about them, because they afflicted the left side of my head with a dull pain. The reason their nature was such was that while they certainly had outward holiness and also inward holiness more than others, nevertheless they had done this having in mind controlling others; and since they were led by blind love, all their devout behavior still was hypocritical.

And because they were in the dark as regards Divine matters, merely worshiping saints more devoutly than others, they were therefore moved quite far away and then given a place to live beyond the western region.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5339

5339. It was perceived that there was still with them something of hypocrisy; for they affected the left side of my head with a dull pain. The reason that they were of such a character, was that they have, indeed, been in outward sanctity, and also, more than others, in inner sanctity, but yet they have been in the desire of ruling over others; and, being led by [this] blind love, as their devotion was so far hypocritical; and, as they were in darkness as regards Divine things, only worshipping saints more devoutly than others did, therefore, they were removed so far off; and there was then given them another locality in the west to dwell in.

Experientiae Spirituales 5339 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5339. Perceptum quod apud illos usque esset hypocriticum, quia muto dolore afficiebant sinistram partem capitis mei, causa quod tales, erat quia quidem in sancto externo fuerunt, et quoque in interiori prae aliis, sed tamen animo imperandi aliis, et cum coeco amore ducti sunt, omne devotum illorum usque hypocriticum fuit: et quia in caligine quoad Divina, solum colendo sanctos devotius aliis, ideo tam procul remoti sunt, et datum illis tunc ultra tractum occidentalem ad habitandum.

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