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《灵界经历》 第5340节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5340

5340. After these were driven away, then those who were in the eastern region in the center and on both sides of the center were driven away and led around a short distance to the angle, that is, the diagonal line between east and north, and removed very far away, and then were scattered in the northern plane, beyond that region which had been destroyed and become uninhabited, that is to say, a wasteland. It was an enormous multitude and occupied much of the space around that region almost to the diagonal line between the north and west.

It was an enormous multitude. They were those who, using fantasy, had made themselves a sun and placed in it a certain one they called Christ, about whom we have spoken earlier [5004, 5207]. Those such as were there were enveloped in darkness and believed they were led by the Lord, but that [contrariwise] the Lord does nothing otherwise than through them, besides other beliefs that were the products of darkness. Those who were to the east are like this; those there toward the south were to a greater extent in natural light. In a word, for the most part they are, so to speak, fools.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5340

5340. After these were driven out, then were those driven out who were in the eastern quarter, in the middle, and on both sides of the middle; and they were led around, somewhat towards the corner, or diagonal line, between the east and north, and removed as far as possible; and then they were dispersed into the northern plain, beyond that tract which had been destroyed and made a desert, or waste. The multitude of them was vast, and occupied a great space around that tract, nearly as far as the angular line between the north and west. It was a vast multitude. They were the ones who made to themselves a sun by means of phantasy, and placed therein a certain one whom they called Christ - of which ones I have already treated. Such as were there were in darkness, and believed that they were led by the Lord, but that the Lord does nothing save through them - besides other notions that pertain to darkness; for those who were in the east are of such a quality. Those there who are towards the south, are more in natural lumen. In a word, they are, for the most part, as it were foolish.

Experientiae Spirituales 5340 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5340. Postquam hi abacti sunt, dein abacti sunt qui in orientali plaga in medio, et utrinque a medio, et illi circumducti circum paulo ad angulum seu interstitialem lineam inter orientem et septentrionem, et remoti sunt perquam, et dein dispersi sunt in septentrionalem campum, ultra tractum illum qui destructus et factus desertum seu vastitas; fuit ingens multitudo, et occupabat multum spatii circum illum tractum usque fere ad angularem lineam inter septentrionem et occidentem: fuit ingens multitudo, fuerunt illi qui fecerunt sibi solem per phantasiam, et ibi posuerunt quendam quem vocarunt Christum, de quibus prius actum est [5004, 5207]; tales qui ibi erant in caligine et crediderunt se duci a Domino, sed quod Dominus nihil agat quam per illos, praeter alia quae caliginis erant. Nam qui ad orientem fuerunt tales sunt, qui versus meridiem ibi plus in naturali lumine: verbo plerique quasi fatui.

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