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《灵界经历》 第535节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 535

535. Their heaven is separate from ours, both so that they may be with their own people on their earth, and because they believe that the sky blue color dotted with little golden stars is the heavenly color itself; and because they are so convinced of this, they even appear to each other to be sky blue.

Nor do they want to be among the spirits of our earth, whom they know from experience to be cunning and deceitful, and who do not acknowledge the one only Lord; on account of their many wrong notions, they avoid their company. Their heaven is as great as that of this earth, and greater, because the inhabitants [of their earth] are more numerous. 1748, the 24th day of January.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 535

535. Their heaven is separate from ours, both in order that they may be with their own people on their earth, and because they believe the blue color, studded with little golden stars, to be the heavenly color itself; and since they are so persuaded, they also seem to themselves to be clothed in blue. They are unwilling to be among the spirits of our earth, because they know from experience that they are cunning and deceitful, neither do they acknowledge the One Only Lord; and on account of their many fallacies, the spirits of Jupiter shun their company. Their heaven is as great as is the heaven of this earth, even greater, because the inhabitants of that earth are more numerous. 1748, Jan. 24.

Experientiae Spirituales 535 (original Latin 1748-1764)

535. Coelum eorum separatum est a nostro, tam ut sint apud suos in eorum tellure, quam quia credunt colorem coeruleum punctatum aureis stellulis, esse ipsum coelestem, et quia ita persuasi sunt, etiam sibi videntur coerulei; nec volunt interesse spiritibus nostrae telluris, quia ab experientia norunt, quod sint astuti ac dolosi, nec agnoscunt unicum Dominum, ob fallacias illorum plures evitant consortium eorum; tantum est coelum eorum, quantum est hujus telluris, et majus, quia incolae sunt numerosiores. 1748, die 24 Jan.

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