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《灵界经历》 第536节

(一滴水译本 2020--)

536.值得注意的是,当我看到前面那个火热的木星居民正在劈脚下的柴时,我觉得好像有一个人正在被他如此击打,就像我们地球上的劈柴人所行的那样(271-3, 330节),尽管那只是木柴。因此,由此可以得出这样的结论:对于这是主的幻觉仍然存在,尽管他们用木柴代替了主。我不知道他们是怎么看的;但这种幻觉也出现在其他人中间。这表明,将功德归于自己,其中隐藏着什么。(1748年1月25日)

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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 536

536. It is remarkable that when the inhabitant of the planet Jupiter was shown to me, fiery in front, splitting the wood at his feet, it appeared to me as if it were a person whom he was thus striking, just as it did to the wood-cutters of our earth [ 271-3, 330], although it was only wood. From this one can infer that the illusion still persists that it is the Lord, even though they substitute wood in place of the Lord. How it looks to them, I do not know; but such an illusion occurs among others also. This shows what is hidden away in claiming merit to oneself. 1748, the 25th day of January.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 536

536. It is remarkable that when the inhabitant of Jupiter who was fiery in front was shown splitting wood beneath his feet, it appeared to me as though there were a man whom he was thus striking (as was also the case with the wood-cutters of our earth [nos. 271-273]), although it was only wood. Hence it can be concluded that the phantasy that it was the Lord still remains, although in place of the Lord they substitute wood. How it appears to them I do not know, but there is such a phantasy with others also. Hence it can be confirmed what conceals itself in the imputation of self merit by one's self. 1748, Jan. 25.

Experientiae Spirituales 536 (original Latin 1748-1764)

536. Mirabile est, quum mihi ostendebatur incola telluris Jovis, igneus antrorsum, scindens sub pedibus lignum, quod mihi apparuerit, sicut esset homo, quem ita percuteret, sicut etiam in lignariis nostrae telluris [271-273, 330], tametsi esset modo lignum; inde concludi potest, quod usque phantasia maneat, quod Dominum, tametsi loco Domini lignum supponant; quomodo iis apparet, non scio, sed talis est phantasia apud alios quoque; inde constare potest, quid in imputatione meriti sui a semet, se recondat. 1748, die 25 Jan.

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