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《灵界经历》 第534节

(一滴水译本 2020--)

534.他们的“圣人”当中的一个也向我显现,他在前面,从脸往下好像闪耀着一道火光。他同样(参看273, 330节)在站着劈柴,把柴踩在脚下劈开。当我问他是否觉得冷时,他回答说,他不觉得暖和,虽然看上去显得火热。因此,当人们把功德或公义归于自己,把圣洁归于自己的能力时,在来世,同样的命运就等待着他们。(1748年1月24日)

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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 534

534. There also appeared to me one of their more holy ones, who in front, from the face downwards, shone with a kind of fiery light. He likewise was splitting wood [see 273, 330]) standing, and splitting the wood he had at his feet. When I asked whether he was cold, he replied that he was not warm, even though he appears fiery.

Thus when people ascribe merit to themselves, or credit righteousness to themselves, or holiness to their own abilities, the same lot awaits them all alike in the other life. 1748, the 24th day of January.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 534

534. One of their more holy ones was also seen. He was as if of a fiery luminosity in front, from the face downwards. He likewise was splitting wood, standing, and holding the wood he was splitting beneath his feet. On being asked whether he was cold, he replied that he was not warm, although he appeared fiery. Thus, when men attribute merit, or impute righteousness, to themselves, and holiness to their own powers, a similar lot awaits them one and all in the other life. 1748, Jan. 24.

Experientiae Spirituales 534 (original Latin 1748-1764)

534. Visus etiam mihi est unus ex eorum sanctioribus, qui quasi ignei luminis erat antrorsum a facie usque deorsum, is similiter ligna scindebat, stans, et lignum sub pedibus habens, scindens; [ego] quaerens num esset frigidus, respondebatur, quod non esset calidus, tametsi igneus 1

appareat: ita quum sibi tribuunt homines meritum, seu imputant sibi justitiam, aut suis viribus sanctitatem, similis sors in altera vita manet unum sicut alterum. 1748, die 24 Jan.


1. imperfectum in the Manuscript

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