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《灵界经历》 第5353节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5353

5353. Again a multitude was led out from that mountain region and from the cities, a multitude that had lived rightly, but not from the any prompting of conscience, that is, from religion, but solely from fear of the law, the loss of reputation, profit, honor. So they were devoid of any Christian life. Therefore it would have been nothing to them to do evils against God and against the neighbor unless on account of [potential harm to] themselves. And because they had nothing of the life of faith, and so had no communication with heaven, they were cast out toward the southern and the western quarter, and were led around awhile and examined to see whether they had any religion, because where there is no living faith there is no religion. Religion has regard to how one lives and not simply to thinking. Living enters into and forms a person's character; the mere process of thinking, however, does not.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5353

5353. Again, from that mountain-region and from the cities, was led forth a multitude who lived morally; not, however, from any conscience, or from religion, but only from fear of the law and of the loss of reputation, profit and honor. They were thus devoid of any Christian life: wherefore, it had been nothing to them to do evil against God and against the neighbor, save when their own advantage restrained them. And because they had not any life of faith, and thus no communication with heaven, they were also cast out towards the southern and towards the western quarter, and led somewhat round about; and it was ascertained, by investigation, that they had no religion - for where there is not life, there is no religion: religion regards living and not merely thinking. Living enters the man, and makes him of its own quality; but not thinking only.

Experientiae Spirituales 5353 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5353. Iterum ex montano illo et ex urbibus educebatur multitudo, quae morate vixerunt, sed non ex aliqua conscientia seu ex religione, solum ex timore legis, jacturae famae, lucri, honoris; ita absque ulla vita Christiana, quare nihil illis fuisset mala facere contra Deum et contra proximum nisi propter semet; et quia illi nec aliquam vitam fidei habuerunt, ita nullam communicationem cum coelo, etiam illi ejecti sunt versus meridionalem et versus occidentalem plagam, et circumducti aliquantum, et exploratum quod illis nulla religio, nam ubi non vita ibi non religio, religio spectat vivere, et non solum cogitare, vivere intrat hominem et facit illum qualis est, non autem solum cogitare.

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