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《灵界经历》 第5354节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5354

5354. Lastly, those who were well-versed in the details of the Church's doctrine and had also led a moral life but not from doctrine were brought out. They had done so only on account of laws, because they were in societies bound by laws, and for the sake of reputation, profit, honor, thus [they had lived rightly] in the sight of men and not in the sight of God, and thus for the sake of themselves and not for the sake of the truths of faith. They were also examined as to whether they had any conscience, and it was found that they did not and consequently that they had no religion either, for a religion that does not teach about how one ought to live, and living in accord with it, is no religion. These too were thrown out from the mountain region.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5354

5354. Lastly, those were brought forth who have been well-versed in the doctrinals of the Church, and also have led a moral life, though not from doctrine but only on account of the laws - because, living in society, they were bound by the laws - and on account of reputation, profit, honors; therefore, with a regard to men and not with a regard to God; and thus for the sake of themselves, and not for the sake of the truths of faith. These, also, were examined as to whether they had anything of conscience; and it was ascertained that they had nothing - therefore, also, nothing of religion; for a religion which does not teach life, and which the life is not in accordance with, is not religion. These, also, were cast out of the mountain-region.

Experientiae Spirituales 5354 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5354. Ultimo educti sunt qui calluerunt doctrinalia Ecclesiae, et quoque vitam moralem egerunt, sed non ex doctrina, nam solum propter leges, quia in societatibus per leges vinctis, et propter famam, lucrum, honorem, ita coram hominibus et non coram Deo, ac ita propter se et non propter vera fidei, hi quoque examinati num haberent aliquid conscientiae, et compertum quod nihil, ita quoque nihil religionis, nam religio quae non docet vitam, et secundum quam vita, non est religio, hi quoque ex montano ejecti sunt.

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