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《灵界经历》 第5355节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5355

5355. All those in the three classes described were driven off so far that they were not visible, looking finally like a cloud, and this was divided and scattered. And it was said from heaven that they were all thrown into uninhabited and deserted places and entirely separated lest they associate with each other anymore, and that they wandered about like those who have no religion.

Those of the first class were cast out into barren and uninhabited places outside the tract where the Church is, since they have no religion because they no actual life. Those of the second and third class were cast down into more interiorly situated deserted places. There were certain from among the gentiles who have no religion, who live the life of a wild animal.

[5355] 1/2. They were scattered to every quarter: to the west, to the south, to the east, and the north as well. They can never return from them since all thought of religion has been taken away from them, and all of the Church's teachings. This happens in deserted places. Because of this they live a wretched life.

[5355] 1:3. It is remarkable that they are all ignorant of the fact that religion is a matter of life and that they separate religion entirely from life to such an extent that they don't even think about how they live, living rightly not from the viewpoint of religion, but from the viewpoint of civil life, which pressures them to live civilly in outward matters.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5355

5355. All of these were arranged into three classes, and driven far away, until, at the last, they could not be seen except like a cloud - and this was separated and dispersed; and it was said from heaven, that they were all cast into uninhabited and desert places and wholly separated from one another, that they might no longer associate together; and they wander about in that desert, like people possessed of no religion. Such as were of the first class, were cast forth into separate deserts and uninhabited places, outside of the tract where the Church is, since they have no religion because no life. Those who were of the second and third classes, were scattered into more interiorly situated desert places. Amongst the Gentiles are some of no religion, who lead a wild-beast life.

5355a. Their dispersion was made to every quarter, to the west, to the south, to the east, and also to the north. They can never return thence, since, in the places whither they have been dispersed, they are deprived of every knowledge of religion and every doctrinal of the Church. In the desert places this occurs, and they therefore pass a wretched life.

5355b. It is wonderful that all these should be ignorant that religion pertains to life, and that they should altogether separate religion from life - to such a degree, as not even to think of a life according to religion, but only of the civil life which obliges them to live morally in externals.

Experientiae Spirituales 5355 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5355. Omnes illi, qui in tres classes descripti, acti sunt procul usque ut non apparerent, tandem sicut nimbus, et hic divisus et dissipatus, et dictum e coelo, quod conjecti omnes in loca inhabitata et deserta, et prorsus separati, ne se amplius consociarent, et in deserto illo vagarentur sicut illi qui nullius religionis sunt. Qui ex prima classe erant, ejecti sunt in loca deserta et inhabitata separata extra tractum ubi Ecclesia, quoniam illis nulla religio, quia nulla vita, qui ex secunda et tertia classe disjecti sunt in loca deserta interius. Quidam inter gentiles nullius religionis, qui ferinam vitam agunt.

[5[355] 1/2. Dissipatio eorum facta est omnes plagas, occidentem, meridiem, orientem quoque septentrionem; unde nusquam redire possunt, quoniam ibi ademta est illis omnis cognitio religionis omnis doctrinalis Ecclesiae, hoc fit in locis desertis, quapropter vitam miserabilem agunt.

[5[355] 1/3. Mirum est quod omnes illi non sciant quod religio sit vitae, et quod religionem prorsus separent a vita, usque adeo ut ne quidem cogitent de vita ex religione, sed ex vita civili, quae stringit illos morate vivendum in externis.

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