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《灵界经历》 第5362节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5362

5362. I observed that after this last judgment, the hells were entirely changed. Specifically, the hells of those from the Catholic religion who are evil are now deep in the tract around the middle, at the northern and southern quarter. The hells that were there previously, discussed earlier [5297], have been thrown elsewhere. But the hells of evil Protestants were opened all around in the north, west and south, with a great gulf slanting obliquely beneath the tract of those where Babylon is, so that they are now below the Babylonian hells. Besides this they are also elsewhere, like in the western sea, in quagmires, in gulfs on mountains, in desert places, spoken of earlier.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5362

5362. It was observed, that, after that Last Judgment, the hells were completely changed: namely, that the hells of the evil ones of the Catholic religion are now at a great depth in a region around the middle, in the northern and southern quarter. The hells that were formerly there, were cast into other places - which has been previously treated of. But the hells of the evil Protestants are open, round about, to the north, west and south, in a great chasm stretching obliquely under the district of those [places] where Babylon is; so that these hells are now under Babylon. Besides this, they are also elsewhere, as in the western sea, in the gulfs, in the chasms of the mountains and in the deserts - all of which has been before described.

Experientiae Spirituales 5362 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5362. Observatum est, quod post ultimum id judicium, inferna prorsus mutata fuerint, quod nempe inferna malorum ex Catholica religione sint profunde in tractu circum medium, ad plagam septentrionalem et meridionalem, inferna quae prius ibi fuerant conjecta sunt aliunde, de quibus prius actum est [5297]: at inferna Protestantium malorum aperta sunt circumcirca septentrionem, occidentem meridiem, magno hiatu tendente oblique sub tractus illorum ubi Babylonia, sic ut sub Babylonia nunc inferna: praeter quod etiam alibi, ut in mari occidentali, in voraginibus, in hiatibus montium, in desertis, de quibus prius.

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