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《灵界经历》 第5373节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5373

5373. I saw a gang of an immense number [of spirits] thrown out of heaven, and in fact down to the land to the west toward the north there. And they were scattered in a wasteland because that gang didn't care at all about doctrine but simply stayed with the literal sense of the Word from which they drew no faith. And they apply the literal sense of the Word to every subject, love and principle whatever; on which account they had no religion, because they had no sense of certainty about anything. They were those spoken of in Revelation, who were thrown down from heaven by the tail of the dragon [Rev. 12:4]. Namely, they were those who have higher knowledge. And heaven cannot be opened to them because they have no Doctrine and cannot be suited to and held in any particular place where there is Divine Truth. Having no certainty, they wander everywhere and get lost in the desert and are not welcomed by anyone.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5373

5373. I also saw a crowd of vast number cast down out of heaven - and, in fact, on to the earth at the west towards the north there - and they were scattered in a desert country; for that crowd cared nothing for doctrine, but remained merely in the sense of the letter of the Word. Hence, they had no faith, and applied the Word [to favor] any matter, love or principle; wherefore, they had not any religion, because no certainty touching any subject. These were the ones of whom the Apocalypse speaks, who were cast down out of heaven to the earth by the tail of the dragon; 1because, namely, they have no knowledges; nor can heaven be opened to them, because they are in no doctrine; nor can they be arranged and kept in any fixed place where Divine truth is, because they have no certainty. Hence they rove everywhere, and wander in the desert; nor are they received by anyone.


1. Chapter Revelation 12:4.

Experientiae Spirituales 5373 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5373. Vidi etiam turbam ingentis numeri, e coelo dejectam, et quidem in terram ad occidentem versus septentrionem ibi, ac dissipati in deserta terra, nam turba illa nihil curarunt doctrinam sed solum manserunt in sensu literae Verbi, unde illis nulla fides, et cuicunque rei, amori et principio applicabant Verbum, quare nec illis aliqua religio, quia nihil certi de aliqua re; illi erant de quibus in Apocalypsi, qui e coelo per caudam draconis dejecti sint in terram [Apoc. XII: 4], nempe quod cognitiones illis non sint, illis nec aperiri coelum potest, quia in nulla Doctrina, nec possunt disponi et teneri in aliquo certo loco, ubi Verum Divinum, quia nihil certi illis, inde vagantur ubivis, et errant in deserto, nec recipiuntur ab aliquo.

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