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《灵界经历》 第538节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 538

538. About the Dragon

It is amazing that although the dragon, or the "old serpent," does not cease to persecute believers - so very cunningly that I cannot describe his wiles and poisons - he has nevertheless admitted several times that he knows better than all others that Jesus Christ is the God of the universe, and governs the universe.

Moreover, spirits can also speak with him, and I have spoken with him just as with another person, often exposing his tricks in front of him. But I have done this only [through] spirits. Those who are in the heavens do not speak except through spirits.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 538


It is a wonderful thing that although the dragon, or the old serpent, does not desist from most deceitfully persecuting the faithful, so that I am unable to describe his deceits and venom, nevertheless, he has sometimes confessed that he knows better than all others that Jesus Christ is the God of the universe and governs it.

Moreover, spirits can also speak with him; and I have spoken with him as with another, often upbraiding him for his deceits, but in the manner of a spirit. Those who are in the heavens do not speak, except through spirits.

Experientiae Spirituales 538 (original Latin 1748-1764)

538. De Dracone

Mirum est, quod draco seu serpens antiquus, tametsi non desistit persequi fideles dolosissime, sic ut dolos ejus et venena non describere queam, usque tamen aliquoties fassus est, quod sciat plus quam omnes alii, quod Jesus Christus sit Deus universi, et regat universum.

Praeterea etiam cum eo loqui possunt spiritus, et loquutus [sum] sicut cum alio, ejus dolos ei saepe objiciens, sed modo [per] spiritus; qui in coelis sunt non loquuntur, nisi per spiritus.

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