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《灵界经历》 第539节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 539

539. Continuation about the inhabitants of Jupiter

As told before [518], the inhabitants speak with their own spirits, just as the sons and daughters of the most ancient Church did with both good and evil spirits, as may be evident from the creation story. For in the most ancient Church, there was not so much of speech and memory, but more of imagery and thought, so that they were able to share their thinking and mental images. Those living in a comparable state, on a different planet, are likewise able to communicate the mental images of their thoughts.

But in the course of time, to the extent that mankind was carried off into outward things, he began to speak, and to use the memory, and this causes him to forget the powers of thought.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 539


As was said before [n. 518, the inhabitants of Jupiter speak with their own spirits, as also the sons of the Most Ancient Church spoke with both good and evil spirits, which can be evident from the story of creation. For in the Most Ancient Church there was not so much of speech and memory, but more of imagination and of thought, so that they could thus consociate their thought and ideas. Those in another earth who live in a similar state can in like manner consociate the ideas of their thoughts. But in process of time, as man was carried more into exterior things, he began to speak, and to memorize, which thus obliterated the powers of his thoughts.

Experientiae Spirituales 539 (original Latin 1748-1764)

539. Continuatio de Jovis incolis

Ut prius dictum [518], loquuntur incolae cum suis spiritibus, sicut etiam filii antiquissimae Ecclesiae, ut ab historia creationis constare potest, tam cum bonis quam malis, nam in antiquissima Ecclesia, non tantum loquelae ac memoriae erat, sed plus imaginationis cogitationis, sic ut sic consociare cogitata ideas potuissent; qui in simili statu vivunt, in alia tellure similiter sociare possunt cogitationum ideas; sed temporis tractu, quo magis homo in exteriora pervectus est, loqui incepit memoria tenere, quae sic cogitationum vires obliterat.

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