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《灵界经历》 第54节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 54

54. A proposition put to spirits: whether Demons are able to do anything contrary to what they desire; for they say that they want what they desire. It was answered that they are not able. See also Love, Feeling. 1[Desire; Power; Will]

A proposition put to spirits: whether Pure Love is able to will anything but the salvation of all. It was answered that it is Pure Love Alone Who wills, and it is the Salvation of all that He wills. See also Freedom. 2[Salvation, Savior; Will; Love]


1. See Experiences Spirituales, Vol I, p. xxxi, locus 11.

1. See Experiences Spirituales, Vol I, p. xxxi, locus 11. See also The Word Explained 5336 and footnote.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 54


A proposition made to spirits as to whether genii can do anything against what they desire; for they say they will what they desire. The answer was, that they cannot. (Cupiditas, Potentia, Voluntas.) A proposition made to spirits as to whether pure love can will anything but the salvation of all men. The answer was, that it is pure love alone that wills, and that what it wills is the salvation of all. (Amor, Salus, Voluntas.) 1


1. This is evidently the passage referred to in WE 5336, written about 9 or 10 July, 1746, as follows:

"Pure love, however, can never do ought else than will to save the entire human race and to guard it from the assault of the devil. This necessarily flows from pure love in accordance with a proposition made this day to certain angels who were not good, and who nevertheless were forced to answer from the truth. See below at the sign)(i.e. at the end of this Tome III.)

Experientiae Spirituales 54 (original Latin 1748-1764)

54. 1

Propositio ad spiritus, num Genii aliquid possint contra quod cupiunt; nam se velle dicunt quod cupiunt responsum, quod non possint, n. 54. [Cupiditas Potentia, Potestas Voluntas]

[ad Cupiditas:] Vide etiam Amor, Affectio, Voluntas

[ad Voluntas:] vide etiam Amor, Affectio, Cupiditas

Propositio ad spiritus, num Purus Amor possit velle quam omnium salutem, responsum, quod Purus Amor sit Qui Solus vult, et quod omnium Salus sit, quam vult, n. 5 [Salus, Salvator = Voluntas]

[ad Voluntas:] Vide etiam Libertas.

Propositio ad spiritus, num purus amor aliquid possit velle, quam omnium salutem, responsum, quod Purus Amor sit, Qui vult, et quod omnium salus sit, quam vult, 54. [Amor]


1. huc fortasse refertur in Explicatione III 3200. ubi legitur: Sed purus amor nusquam potest, quam velle salvare universum genus humanum ac tutari ab insultu diaboli;namhoc necessario fluit puro amore, secundum propositionem hodie ad quosdam angelos, qui non boni erant, et tamen ex veritate respondere cogebantur, vide infra signum .; vide in praefatione hujus voluminis sub capite 'The missing numbers.'" locum 11

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