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《灵界经历》 第5416节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5416

5416. When these things were discovered, then first, by the Lord's Divine power, the surrounding abominable guards formed of diabolical sorcerers were taken away and were scattered in all directions and plunged into swamps. They were in this way hurled into hells. When the Jesuits saw this, they realized that their end was at hand, on which account they fled to their tricks, which looked like miracles. They made a brightly shining flag appear in the air. With this, they called out their neighbors to protect them, for such a signal is put out on the mountains when danger is imminent. On this account, such a signal appeared flying brightly in the air itself. After this a person appeared similarly flying brightly in the air. He looked at first like an angel and the next moment like a monk. After this many other things appeared, one after another, all in the air. They were appearing everywhere. One such shining object fell onto a mountain where there were some from that religion who had been devout, about ten of them. These immediately ran down from mountain and stood in a certain place, and he prayed for them. This was done for the purpose of enticing simple good individuals to protect them; for such things flow in and are communicated.

[5416] 1/2. Besides this, they had four devout women who from their religious habit in the world were constantly at prayers, always praying for them, praying also so that the simple good would be enticed in this way. But since these women were sincerely devout, they came down off of the mountain when they became aware of the visitation in process. After this many miraculous things were done in various places with this doctrine.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5416

5416. When these things were found out, then were carried away, of the Divine power of the Lord, firstly, the atrocious guards of diabolical magicians which were round about; and these were scattered in every direction and plunged into swamps: thus, cast into hells. When this was seen by the Jesuits, then they discerned that their destruction was close at hand: wherefore, they had recourse to their arts, which appeared like miracles. They caused to appear in the air a resplendent, shining banner, by means of which they summoned the neighbors to their defense; for such a flag is unfurled upon mountains, when danger threatens. For this reason, such a flag appeared in the very air, floating and resplendent. Afterwards there appeared a man in the air, resplendent, and floating in like manner; who appeared, at first, like an angel, and the next moment as a monk. After that, many other things in succession, all in the air. They appeared everywhere. One such shining [banner] went into a mountain where were some of that religion who were devout, to the number of twelve; and these immediately ran down from the mountain, and stood in a certain place, and devoutly and piously prayed for those others. This was done so that the simple good also might be enticed to their protection; for such things inflow and are communicated.

5416a. Besides, they had four devout women - who, from a religious habit acquired in the world, were continually at prayers - constantly praying for them: so that thus, also, the simple good might be won over. But these women, since they were sincerely devout, descended from the mountain when they noticed the visitation. Many miracles were afterwards performed with that doctrine, 1in different places.


1. See below, 5419. -ED.

Experientiae Spirituales 5416 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5416. Cum haec inventa, tunc ex Divina Domini potentia auferebantur primum custodiae nefandae quae ex magis diabolicis circumcircum, et illi dissipati quaquaversum, et immersi paludibus sic conjecti in inferna; cum hoc visum est a Jesuitis, tunce appercipiebant quod instaret eorum interitus, quapropter fugiebant ad artes suas, quae apparebant sicut miracula, fecerunt ut in aere appareret vexillum lucidum splendens, per quod excitarent vicinos ad tutationem, nam tale signum exporrigitur super montibus, cum periculum imminet, exhinc apparebat tale signum in ipso aere volans et splendens: postea apparebat homo in aere similiter splendens et volans, qui apparebat primum sicut angelus et mox ut monachus, postea plura alia in serie, omnia in aere, quae apparebant undequaque. Unum tale lucidum cadebat in montem ubi aliqui ex ista religione, qui devoti fuerunt, usque ad decem, illi statim ex monte decurrebant, et in quodam loco stabant, ac devote et pie precati pro illis; hoc factum ut simplices boni etiam ad tutationem eorum allectarentur, nam talia

[5[416] 1/2. influunt communicantur. Praeterea habebant quatuor faeminas devotas, quae continue in precibus erant ex more religioso in mundo, quae semper pro illis orabant, ut sic quoque allectarentur simplices boni: sed hae, quia devotae ex sinceritate descendebant ex monte cum animadverterent visitationem. Plura miracula postea facta sunt in variis locis cum doctrina illa.

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