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《灵界经历》 第545节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


545 1/2.此外,我还看到一个死人的头,或秃头。头顶光秃,骨瘦如柴。据说,凡在一年之内就要死去的,都会看见这种死人的头,以便他们能为死亡做好准备。当然,他们并不害怕死亡,只是怕撇下他们的朋友、父母和孩子;不过,他们知道自己要上天堂,所以并不为此感到悲伤。

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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 545

545. The second kind [see 541] of these spirits who reprove, and at the same time teach them, also appear dark, as if they were dressed in sackcloth. These also come up to their left side, more to the front; and such a one came up to my side and spoke with me, saying that while he does frighten them with threats, he nevertheless brings no evil upon them. But when the people are afraid, he teaches them how they should think, and live. So these are their instructors.

545. 1/2. Moreover, I was also shown a dead head, or a skull. The highest part of the head was bald, bony. It was said that those see such a head who will die within a year, so that they may prepare themselves for death. They do not, of course, fear death, except because of leaving behind their friends, parents and children; but knowing that they are going away to heaven, they are not saddened by it.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 545

545. There is another kind of their spirits who rebuke and at the same time teach them. They also appear dark as if clothed in sack-cloth; they, too, apply themselves to their left side, more to the front. Such a one also applied himself to my left side, and spoke with me. He said that he does indeed terrify a man with threats, nevertheless he does not bring evil upon him; but when the man is in a state of fear he instructs him how he ought to think and live. Thus such spirits are their instructors.

545 1/2. Moreover, there was also shown me a dead head, or a bald scalp so that the top part of the head was bald and bony; and it was said that those who were to die within a year see such a dead head, so that they may prepare themselves for death. They do not indeed fear death, except on account of their friends, parents and children whom they leave behind; but they know that they are going to heaven, hence they are not made sad on that account.

Experientiae Spirituales 545 (original Latin 1748-1764)

545. Alterum genus 1

eorum spirituum, qui eos redarguunt, et simul docent, apparent quoque obscuri, quasi saccis vestiti, ii quoque se applicant lateri eorum sinistro, magis antrorsum, talis etiam meo lateri se adplicuit, et mecum loquutus est, dicebat, quod quidem hominem terreat minis, sed 2

ei tamen nihil mali inferat, verum quum in timore est, hominem instruunt, quomodo cogitare, et vivere debeat, ita sunt eorum instructores.

545a. Praeterea etiam ostensum mihi est caput mortuum, seu calvitium, ita suprema pars capitis calva, ossea, et dicebatur, quod tale videant ii qui intra annum morituri sint, ut se praeparent ad mortem; quam quidem non timent, nisi quia suos amicos, parentes et liberos relinquant, sed sciunt quod in coelum abeant, ideo non inde contristantur.


1. cf. 541 initium et annotationem

2. The Manuscript has mi sed minis, se sed

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