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《灵界经历》 第5459节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5459

5459. Later, in the center of the western side, almost within the Babylonian region there, a square piece of land was seen being drawn down from the land there to quite a depth, which felt like underwear being pulled down from the region of a person's genitals. And then there appeared there something like floating flesh that had been dissolved by rot. Into it all were hurled who outwardly had lived properly, regularly heard sermons, took the holy supper, a constant habit, and nonetheless inwardly in themselves had plotted murders and adulteries, and harbored hatred toward the neighbor, vengeance and merciless savagery, and never practiced any repentance other than praying that their sins would be forgiven. And even then they did not think about these acts of hated, vengeance and savagery, but kept on with them, not thinking about those things which are read and said [at times of worship], that sins are forgiven those who examine themselves and afterwards flee from and turn away from evils. Spirits like this, because they had gone on believing and nevertheless lived in this way, were thrown into that profane pond, which looked as if it were flowing with raw, rotted flesh. They were hurled into it from various religions, as many as were of this nature, and this amounted to an enormous number. Afterwards dust coming from that stagnant ponds' southern side overspread it.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5459

5459. After this, in the midst of the western part, almost within the Babylonish territory there, the land was seen to be drawn down from the earth there to a certain quadrangular space. This was felt as if the shirt were being drawn away from a man's genital region. And then appeared there as it were liquefied flesh, dissolved by putrefaction. Thither all those were cast who have lived well exteriorly, have attended preachings and the Holy Supper as a habitual practice and frequently, and yet, inwardly in themselves, have planned murders and adulteries, and have cherished hatred towards the neighbor, revenge and ferocity without pity, and have never performed any repentance other than that they have prayed that their sins might be forgiven, and nevertheless have not thought about those hatreds, revenges and cruelties, but have persisted in them, not thinking of those things which are then read and said, [namely] that those are forgiven who examine themselves and after [the worship] shun, and are averse to, [their] evils. Such ones, because they have always believed, and nevertheless have lived thus, were cast forth into that profaners pond, which appeared like fluid, naked, putrefied flesh. Thither were cast all, of various religions, howsoever many, who have been of such a character; and this to a vast multitude. After this, that pond was covered with dust brought thither from its southern shore.

Experientiae Spirituales 5459 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5459. Postea in medio occidentalis partis paene intra tractum Babylonicum ibi, visum ex terra ibi ad aliquod spatium quadrangulare detrahi terram, quod sentiebatur sicut indusium subtraheretur a parte genitalium hominis, et tunc apparebat ibi sicut fluitans carneum, quod ex putrefactione solutum, illuc conjiciebantur omnes qui exterius bene vixerunt, frequentaverunt praedicationes, et sacram coenam, solito ritu et saepius, et tamen intus in se moliti sunt neces et adulteria, et odium erga proximum recondiderunt, vindictas et saevitias absque misericordia; et nusquam aliam poenitentiam egerunt, quam quod precati quod remitterentur peccata eorum, et tamen non de odiis illis, vindictis, et saevitiis cogitaverunt, sed in illis perseveraverunt, non cogitantes de illis tunc quae leguntur et dicuntur, quod illis remittantur peccata qui explorant se, et postea fugiunt et aversantur mala, tales quia crediderunt usque et tamen ita vixerunt, projecti sunt in stagnum illud prophanum, quod apparuit sicut fluitans nudum carneum putrefactum: illuc conjecti sunt ex varia religione, omnes quotcunque tales fuerunt, et hoc ad ingentem multitudinem; postea inducebatur illi stagno pulvis deductus illuc a latere ejus meridionali.

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