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《灵界经历》 第546节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 546

546. The lifespan of people there is for the most part thirty years. Those beyond that age are said to be unteachable, so that the spirits do not venture to reprimand and chastise them, for they say they know these things as well as the spirits. Therefore, because they are not flexible and docile like their young people, spirits are less desirous of speaking with them.

Moreover, it is of the Lord's Providence that they do not live beyond those years, lest the population grow too large. For their offspring are multiplying, because famine and thus scarcity of food does not withhold them from the sense of obligation to have children, as on this earth. Therefore they are brought together [in marriage] in their earliest youth, nor do they want anything more than to have children, caring little for the other delights, as they are here called. They are eager only for offspring.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 546

546. The age of the men on that planet is for the most part thirty years. Those who live longer are said to be unteachable, so that the spirits do not dare to admonish and chastise them, for they say they know those things as well as the spirits; therefore, because they are not flexible and teachable as their youths are, the spirits desire the less to speak to them. Moreover, it is of the Lord's Providence that they do not live beyond those years, because their numbers would increase too much; for the offspring they have multiply, since famine and want do not hinder them from the procreation of offspring, as on this earth. Hence they are consociated [in marriage] in their first youth, nor do they seek anything more than the procreation of offspring. They do not so care for other delights as they are called here; they study solely their offspring.

Experientiae Spirituales 546 (original Latin 1748-1764)

546. Aetas hominum ibi est utplurimum 30 annorum, qui supra sunt, dicuntur esse indociles, sic ut commonefacere et castigare eos spiritus non ausint, nam dicunt se scire ea tam bene quam spiritus, ideo, quia non flexiles et dociles, sicut juvenes eorum, minus cum iis loqui cupiunt, praeterea ex Providentia Domini est, quod non ultra annos eos vivant, quin copia cresceret nimium, nam prolem habent, quae multiplicatur, nam fames et penuria victus eos non vetat, quin procreare proles debeant, sicut in hac tellure, quare in prima juventute consociantur, nec plus ambiunt, quam prolis procreationem, caeteras delitias, ut hic vocant, non ita curant, unice student proli.

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