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《灵界经历》 第547节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 547

547. Moreover, their faces are bright, and they guard them from the sun's heat. As for their bodies, they wash and groom them to be sure, but they do not care about them, for they say it is only body. The face, however, they do not call body, because they speak and think by means of it. Because, as they believe, thought is of the face, they therefore do not want it to be body; so they care for the face, keeping it bright and clean. They have a wide head covering made of light blue tree bark, with a wide brim circling the head, but no such thing for the body.

By their thoughts they showed me how they conceive of the face, namely, as speaking only, almost without any bodily element. Although it is of muscular composition, still they consider it to be devoid of muscles and tissues.

1748, the 26th day of January.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 547

547. Moreover, they are of fair complexion, and they preserve their face from the heat of the sun. As regards their bodies, they indeed wash them and keep them clean, but they do not care for them, for they say that is [only] the body. The face, however, they do not call [part of] the body, because by means of it they speak and think, for thought, as they suppose, is of the face; they are therefore unwilling that it should be considered as the body. Therefore they take care that the face should be bright and clean. They have a broad covering for the head, made from the bluish-white bark or cortex of a tree, with which they broadly encompass the head, but not so the body. They showed me by their thoughts how they considered their face, namely, as something only speaking, almost without anything corporeal; although it is muscular, still they consider it as being devoid of muscles and fibers. 1748, Jan. 26.

Experientiae Spirituales 547 (original Latin 1748-1764)

547. Praeterea facies eorum candidae sunt, et eas conservant a solis aestu, quod corpora attinet, ea quidem 1

lavant et mundant, sed non curant, nam dicunt corpus esse, faciem autem non vocant corpus, quia per eam loquuntur, et cogitant; quia cogitatio est faciei, ut putant, ideo nolunt, ut id corpus sit, quare faciem curant, ut candida et munda sit, habent indumentum latum capitis, factum ex libro, seu cortice albo coeruleo, quo late circumcingunt caput; corpus non item. Ostendebant mihi per eorum cogitationes, quomodo considerant faciem, nempe solum loquentem, absque fere corporeo; tametsi muscularis 2

sit, usque considerant eam sicut expertem musculis et fibris. 1748, die 26 Jan.


1. This is how it appears in J.F.I. Tafel's edition; the Manuscript has quidam

2. exitus imperfectus in the Manuscript

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