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《灵界经历》 第5467节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5467

5467. afterwards a visitation was made to determine what the women and men were like who lived in the long row along the extension of the corner. Then a judgment followed. All who were like this were hurled into a hell from which they would nevermore go out. The women were thrown into a place burning with sulphur and fire. This place, that is to say, stagnant lake, appeared to gleam just as in the men's dwellings, from the sulphurous fire of lasciviousness. All the women were thrown into this lake. The lake was situated across the end of the corner, stretching from the west into the south across the corner. It was large. There was a large number who was thrown into it. However, the men who lived along this corner on the western side were hurled into an abyss like the one just mentioned that lay open in front of this pond. The abyss was gloomy and stretched deep under the sulphurous pond. Also toward the front a similar abyss opened which even stretched beneath the other. Into it were thrown those who had known about the Divine and who had gone to church and who nevertheless were still involved in similar wickedness.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5467

5467. After the visitation had shown that such was the character of the women, and of the men, who dwelt in a long row along the extension of the angle, then followed the judgment, [namely,] that all such ones were cast into hell, from which they could never more go out. The women were cast into a place burning with sulfur and fire. This place, or this shining pond, appeared just as with those in the houses which were luminous with the sulfurous [sphere] of lasciviousness. 1Into this pond all the women were cast. The pond was situated crosswise to the end of the angle, extending itself from the west into the south, transversely to the angle. It was large. They who were cast thither were a great number. The men, however, who dwelt along that angle, were cast to the western side into an abyss of a like description which opened in front of that pond, which abyss was dark and extended deeply under the sulfurous pond. Forwards, also, opened a similar abyss, which likewise extended under the other: into this, were cast those who knew about the Divine and who attended churches, and nevertheless had all the while been in a like wickedness.


1. See previous no., 5466. -ED.

Experientiae Spirituales 5467 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5467. postquam visitatum est quod tales essent faeminae, et tales viri, qui in longa serie secundum extensionem anguli habitabant, tunc sequebatur judicium, quod omnes tales conjicerentur in infernum, ex quo nusquam exirent amplius; faeminae conjiciebantur in locum ardentem sulphure et igne, apparebat is locus seu id stagnum lucidum sicut apud illos in domiciliis erat lucidum ex sulphureo lasciviae, in id stagnum omnes conjectae sunt; stagnum erat ad finem anguli transversim situm, se extendens ab occidente in meridiem, transversim ad angulum, magnus erat, erat magnus numerus qui illuc conjectus: viri autem qui secundum angulum illum habitabant, ad latus occidentale conjecti sunt in talem abyssum qui patuit ante illud stagnum, qui abyssus erat tenebrosus et tendebat profunde sub stagno sulphureo: antrorsus etiam patuit similis abyssus, qui tendebat etiam sub alterum, in illum conjecti sunt, qui sciverunt de Divino, et qui frequentaverunt templa, et tamen usque simili malitia fuerunt.

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