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《灵界经历》 第548节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 548

548. Continuation on the inhabitants of Jupiter

Their dwellings or tents were also shown to me. They are small, only roofs, open round about, made of light blue tree bark, which looked to me as if dotted with stars.

In addition, they also have another tent, constructed of the same material, of the same color, and likewise dotted. It was rounded, but stretched out lengthwise. Into it they betake themselves lest their faces be harmed by the heat of the sun. Their face they guard very closely, since they do not consider it as the body.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 548


Their abodes or tents were also shown me. They are low; the roofs, in a manner open round about, are from the bluish-white bark, or cortex, and appeared to me as if dotted with stars. They have, moreover, another tent formed of similar material, and colored and dotted in like manner. It was round and thence extended lengthwise; into this they betake themselves lest their face should be injured by the heat of the sun, for they are especially careful of the face, which they do not consider as the body.

Experientiae Spirituales 548 (original Latin 1748-1764)

548. Continuatio de Jovis incolis

Domicilia seu tentoria eorum mihi quoque ostensa sunt, sunt humilia, modo tecta circum aperta, ex libro seu cortice albe coeruleo, quod tectum mihi apparuit sicut punctatum stellis, praeterea etiam aliud tentorium habent, ex simili materia conflatum, simili colore, et similiter punctatum, erat rotundum, protensum inde in longitudinem, in illud se conferunt, ne laedantur facies eorum ab aestu solis, quam 1

maxime conservant, quia eam 2

non considerant ut corpus


1. sic manuscript

2. sic manuscript

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