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《灵界经历》 第5473节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5473

5473. About those who were located near the extension of the corner between east and south ab: these were those who did not care at all about the doctrine of the Church but applied the literal sense of the Word to whatever they wished and thus to whatever favored both their own loves and their own principles, and so who had not lived well, and thus had committed adultery with the Word. The women of this nature were on the southern side along its extension, and the men of this nature on the side toward the east; so the women and the men lived apart from each other. Consequently they were adulterers in a spiritual sense. A visitation was made to them, and after this the men were thrown into a long chasm stretching toward the hell there that appears at c, depending on the degree of the adulteration: those who had committed more and those less. The women of this nature were thrown into the long chasm on the southern side, d. The prelates who were such and had lived evilly were hurled into this chasm further from the others, into x; and it appeared there below like a coal fire, and the smoke from there like the powdered dust of black charcoal. In the women's chasm below appeared a hideous glare of coal. After those men had been thrown in there, an enormous number like them was then thrown down into the same chasm and was thrown into it from various mountains in the east where z is and around it, and from mountains in the south as well, and also some from the middle, all according to the degree of adulteration. There was an enormous number.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5473

5473. They who were situated along the extension of the angle between the east and south, ab, 1were those who have cared nothing for the doctrine of the Church, but have applied the sense of the letter of the Word to whatsoever they chose, and thus to favoring whomsoever [they would] and their loves and principles; thus, who have not lived well, and have, in the way specified, been adulterers with the Word. At the southern side, along the extension of this [angle], were the women of such a description; and on the side towards the east were the men of such character - thus, the women and the men dwelt apart. They were, therefore, adulterers in the spiritual sense. Visitation came upon them, and, after it, the men were cast into that long chasm tending towards hell in that part which appears at c, according to the degree of the adulteration they have committed being more or less. The women of such a character were cast into that chasm, d, at the southern side [of the extension]. The clergy who have been such and have lived ill, were cast into that chasm more distant from the others, which is at x; and, there, it appeared, below, like a coal-fire, and the smoke thence issuing was like the dust of powdered black coal. In the women's chasm, below, appeared a horrid coaly glare. After these were cast into these places, a vast number of similar ones were cast down into the same chasms, and expelled thither from various mountains in the east, where z is, and round about; then, also, from mountains in the south, and, likewise, some from the middle - all according to the degree of their adulteration. It was an immense number.


1. Figure 10 is a drawing of a square, each side of which is labeled with a direction - with east being on the top. From the four corners proceed straight dashed lines leading to various areas. Above the drawing are some mountains.

Experientiae Spirituales 5473 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5473. De illis qui siti sunt juxta extensionem anguli inter orientem et meridiem ab, erant ibi qui nihil curarunt doctrinam Ecclesiae, sed applicuerunt sensum literae Verbi ad quodcunque vellent, et sic ad favendum cuicunque et suis amoribus et principiis, ita qui non bene vixerunt, et ita adulterati cum Verbo, a parte meridiei secundum extensionem ejus erant mulieres tales, et a parte versus orientem erant viri tales, ita distincte habitabant faeminae et viri, erant itaque adulteri in spirituali sensu; visitatio ad illos venit, et post illam conjecti sunt viri in longum hiatum tendentem versus infernum ibi quod apparet ad c, secundum gradus adulterationis, qui plus fecerunt et qui minus: in longum illum hiatum a parte meridiei, d, conjectae sunt faeminae tales. Antistites qui fuerunt tales et vixerunt male, conjecti sunt in eum hiatum remotius ab aliis in x, et ibi apparebat infra sicut ignis carbonarius, et fumus inde sicut pulvis tusi carbonis nigri. In muliebri hiatu infra apparebat lucidum carbonarium tetrum: postquam hi conjecti sunt illuc, tunc ingens numerus similium in eosdem hiatus dejecti et illuc conjecti sunt e variis montibus in oriente ubi z et circum, tum etiam e montibus in meridie, et quoque e medio aliqui, omnes secundum adulterationis gradum; erat ingens numerus.

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