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《灵界经历》 第5474节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5474

5474. After this a plain was shown that was lower than the ground, in which there were various dim subterranean places at the sides, rather wide, located crosswise to the corner, where EF is. Into it were brought down all those of whatever station, both priests and others, who had no doctrine, thus no definite belief, only a vague one due to the fact that they have only studied the Word as to its literal meaning and so have not interpreted anything at all there according to the teaching of their Church, and have not been concerned about it; for those who do not care about doctrine have no definite belief, only a vague one. And for this reason their intellect cannot be enlightened in the other life. These who are there have not lived so evilly but have lived morally in outward matters, certain not so well. They get a specific place there depending on their life. They have been gathered there in the course of time from the earliest ages, and now many have been brought down there. It is quite a large, roomy place. Those who are there do not have it so badly, but the states of their life change and are uncertain. They do not live in fixed dwellings, but sometimes in this one and sometimes in another, and so rove here and there, living even in dark caves because they have no definite belief, only a vague one. It was said that those who are thrown in there can no longer go out.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5474

5474. After this was shown a plain, lower than the ground, in which were various dark, subterranean places at the sides, exceedingly broad, situated where EF 1is, crosswise to the angle. Thither were brought down all those, of whatsoever condition, both priests and others, who have had no doctrine - thus not a fixed but an unsettled faith - owing to the fact that they have studied the Word only as to the sense of its letter, and so did not explain anything in it according to the doctrine of their Church, for which they had no regard. For they who do not care for doctrine, have not a fixed faith but an unsettled one; therefore, they do not possess in the other life an intellect which can be illustrated. These who are there, have not lived so very ill, but, in externals, morally well; some not so well. There they are separate: they obtain a situation according to their life. They were gathered in that part, successively, from the first centuries; and, now, many are brought down there. It is quite a large and roomy space. Those who are there are not so badly off; but the states of their life are changeful and uncertain. They do not dwell in stated houses, but now in these, now in those; for the reason that they do not possess a fixed, but only an unsettled faith. It was said that those who are cast thither are not able to go out any more.


1. Figure 10 is a drawing of a square, each side of which is labeled with a direction - with east being on the top. From the four corners proceed straight dashed lines leading to various areas. Above the drawing are some mountains.

Experientiae Spirituales 5474 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5474. Postea ostensa est planities quae humilior terra, in qua varia loca subterranea obscura a lateribus, admodum lata, transverse sita ad angulum, ubi est EF, illuc delati sunt omnes illi ex quacunque conditione, tam sacerdotes quam alii, qui nullam doctrinam habuerunt, ita non certam fidem, sed vagam, ex eo quod solum studuerunt Verbo quoad sensum literae ejus, et sic qui non explicabant quicquam ibi secundum doctrinam Ecclesiae suae, quam nec curarunt; nam qui non curant doctrinam, non fidem certam sed vagam habent, ideo nec intellectuale quod illustrari possit in altera vita: hi qui ibi non ita male vixerunt, sed moraliter bene in externis, quidam non ita bene, distincte ibi situm obtinent secundum vitam: illuc collati sunt successive a primis saeculis, et nunc illuc delati plures, est satis magnum spatium et capax; qui ibi sunt, non ita male habent, sed status illorum vitae variantur et incerti sunt, non habitant in certis domibus, sed nunc in illis, nunc in aliis, ita hic et illic, vage, etiam in cavernis tenebrosis quandoque, ex causa quia non certam fidem sed vagam habuerunt. Dictum [quod] qui illuc conjiciuntur, non amplius exire possint.

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