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《灵界经历》 第5476节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5476

5476. Near the corner between east and north, along its extensions op, live those who deceptively pretend to people that they are sincere, pious, and entirely virtuous and devoted to the faith, and in this way seduce people in various ways, inducing them to believe that they are such. And yet they are entirely insincere, thieves, whores, and criminals. I heard that they seduced whomever they desired by deceitfully pretending. They spoke as if from the heart and from a sense of trustworthiness, coming up with many things like this which they used to persuade and convince people. There were women like this on the northern side. They operated forcefully using fantasies. On the eastern side were men. They were all in rooms there under the earth in a long row. The men and women who were worse than the rest were enclosed more deeply inside.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5476

5476. Beside the angle between the east and north, along its extension, op, 1dwell those who have lyingly made themselves out, before men, to be sincere, devout, and characterized by every virtue, also that they were endowed with faith, and who have thus, in various ways, led men astray, inducing them to believe that they were such; whereas, all the while, they have been utterly insincere, thieves, harlots and infamous. I have heard that they have seduced whomsoever they chose, by lying. They have spoken as if from the heart and trustworthily; devising many such means by which they might persuade. There were, on the northern side, the women of such a character, who operated powerfully by phantasies; on the eastern side were the men, all in chambers there, under the earth, in a long row. The men and women of such a description who were worse than the rest, were shut up more interiorly.


1. Figure 10 is a drawing of a square, each side of which is labeled with a direction - with east being on the top. From the four corners proceed straight dashed lines leading to various areas. Above the drawing are some mountains.

Experientiae Spirituales 5476 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5476. Juxta angulum inter orientem et septentrionem secundum extensiones ejus op habitabant illi qui mentiti sunt coram hominibus de se quod sinceri, pii, et omni virtute, tum quod fide praediti essent, et sic homines seduxerunt variis modis, inducentes illis credere quod tales, et usque prorsus insinceri, fures, meretrices, et flagitiosi essent, audivi quod seduxerint quoscunque vellent mentiendo, loquebantur sicut ex corde et ex fiducia, inveniendo plura talia per quae persuaderent. Erant a parte septentrionali mulieres tales, quae per phantasias operabantur fortiter, a parte autem orientali erant viri, omnes in cameris ibi, sub terra in longa serie, occludebantur interius qui et quae pejores reliquis.

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