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《灵界经历》 第5477节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5477

5477. They were visited and found to be like this on both sides. And then they were all thrown down from there and actually into a certain mountain at the end of the corner q 1in the middle of which a cave stretching into the deep opened. Into it were thrown, in great numbers, the women who were of such a nature; and the men of such a nature were thrown into the dark chasm beyond the mountain lying in a certain plain at the east side of that mountain a little further on, at r.


1. Unless you read g per D. Odhner and G. Buss.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5477

5477. Visitation was made upon them, and they were found to be such, on both sides; and then they were all cast down thence, and, in fact, into a certain mountain, q, 1at the end of the angle, in the midst of which a shaft opened leading into the depth. Thither were cast the women of such a kind, to a great number; and, into the dark chasm beyond the mountain, in a certain plain at the eastern side of that mountain, a little farther on, at r, were cast the men who were such.


1. Figure 10 is a drawing of a square, each side of which is labeled with a direction - with east being on the top. From the four corners proceed straight dashed lines leading to various areas. Above the drawing are some mountains.

Experientiae Spirituales 5477 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5477. Visitati sunt et inventi tales utrinque, et tunc inde omnes dejecti et quidem in montem quendam ad finem anguli g, in cujus medio patebat antrum, tendens in profundum, illuc conjectae sunt ad magnam numerum faeminae tales, et in hiatum tenebrosum ultra montem in plano quodam ad latus orientale illius montis paulo ulterius ad r conjecti sunt viri tales.

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