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《灵界经历》 第549节

(一滴水译本 2020--)

549.此外,我还与他们谈论了他们的圣徒。如前所述(534, 536节),他们的至圣者成了劈柴的人,并因以下事实而与其他人区分开来,即:他们不称我们的救世主为“独一主”,而是称为“至高主”。因为他们也想被尊称为主,想叫他们的奴仆不去拜至高主,而是拜他们自己,由他们将奴仆的祷告传到至高者那里。这就是为何他们会受到这种惩罚:他们觉得非常冷,并且在劈柴。灵人不像对待其他人那样(参看546节)靠近并惩罚这些人,因为他们不允许自己被教导。他们固执己见,还觉得很冷。因为灵人向他们走来时,由于寒冷而发现他们是这种人,因而无法接近。这些灵人不像那在脚下(AC 4943节)的我们的劈柴人,相反他们在“天堂”里,在朝前的上方,这是他们傲慢自大的表现。

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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 549

549. Moreover, I spoke with them about their saints. Their holiest ones who become wood-cutters, as said before [534, 539], do not call our Savior "the one only Lord," but "the highest Lord." In this they are distinguished [from the others], for they want to be hailed as lords also, and want their slaves not to worship the highest Lord, but themselves, who will convey their prayers to the most high. This is why they are tormented by this punishment of being quite cold, and splitting wood.

The spirits do not approach and chastise these, either [see 546], as they do the others, for they do not allow themselves to be taught, being unbending as well as cold. For while the spirits are coming toward them, they recognize because of the cold that they are such a kind, and therefore cannot approach. Such spirits seem to themselves to be, not like our wood-cutters, beneath the feet, 1but rather high up, towards the front, in heaven. This is a sign that they are arrogant.


1. See Arcana Coelestia 4943.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 549

549. Moreover, I spoke with them concerning their saints; the most holy, who become wood-cutters, as was said before [nos. 534, 536], are distinguished by the fact that they do not call our Savior the One Only Lord, but the Supreme Lord; for they also want to be saluted as lords, and want their servants not to worship the Supreme Lord, but themselves, who will bear their supplications to the Supreme. Hence they suffer such a punishment that, being very cold, they split wood. Nor do spirits approach and chastise them during their life in the body, as they do the rest, for they do not suffer themselves to be taught. They are inflexible, and besides, they are cold. For when the spirits flow to them, they recognize from the coldness that they are such, and therefore cannot approach. These spirits are not like our wood-cutters who are beneath the feet [AC 4943, but they are above towards the front in heaven, which is an indication that they are proud.

Experientiae Spirituales 549 (original Latin 1748-1764)

549. Praeterea cum iis loquutus sum de sanctis eorum, sanctissimi qui lignarii fiunt ut prius dictum [534, 539], non vocant salvatorem nostrum, "unicum Dominum," sed 1

"supremum Dominum," ita distinguuntur, nam volunt etiam domini salutari, eorum servi volunt, ut 2

non supremum Dominum colant, sed semet, qui supplicationes eorum ad supremum ferent, inde supplicio tali mulctantur, quod frigidiusculi ligna scindant: nec eos, in vita corporis, spiritus adeunt et castigant, ut caeteros, nam se non doceri patiuntur, sunt inflexiles, et praeterea frigidi, dum enim spiritus alluunt ad eos, ex frigore cognoscunt, quod tales sint, quare non possunt adire; tales sibi 3

, non ut nostri lignarii qui infra pedes sunt [AC 4943], [videntur esse] superius antrorsum in coelo, quod indicium est, quod fastuosi sint.


1. This is how it appears in J.F.I. Tafel's edition; the Manuscript has seu

2. hoc est [sancti] volunt ut eorum servi

3. The Manuscript has se

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