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《灵界经历》 第5486节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5486

5486. About Sirens, and their last judgment

What sirens are like and who they are has been described several times earlier. These women are the worst of all in the other life and more harmful than all the rest since they are able to seduce whomever they approach if people are not taken away and protected by the Lord.

It is a wicked gang, for using both fantasies and magical arts they enter into everyone's affections, both their good ones their and evil ones. They conspire with all the hells. In a word, they are greater devils than others. There are also men who are like this who have done similarly in the world and entered into friendships of every possible kind by slipping into people's affections and desire for profit solely for the sake of obtaining wealth and in this way getting control over them. And it was indifferent to them whether they slipped in through piety, through charity and love, or through impiety and profanation, through murders, through compliments for all manner of evils, through oaths, etc.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5486


Of what quality, and who, sirens are, has been described several times before. They are the worst of all in the other life, and exceedingly destructive above all others, inasmuch as they are able to seduce whomsoever they approach, if these are not taken away and protected by the Lord. They are an impious crew; for they enter into the affections, both good and evil, of all, by both phantastic and magical arts. They conspire with all the hells. In a word, they are more diabolical than any others. There are also men of such a quality, who, in the world, have acted similarly, and have entered into the friendships of everyone whatever, by insinuation into their affections and interests, solely for the sake of gain and of obtaining rule over them, and, so, by those means, of governing. It has, also, been a matter of indifference to them whether they insinuated themselves by piety, by charity and love, or by impiety, profanity, by murders, by gross flatterings of all evils, by taking oaths, etc.

Experientiae Spirituales 5486 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5486. De Sirenibus, et eorum ultimo judicio

Quales sirenes sunt, et quaenam prius aliquoties de scriptum, sunt illae omnium pessimae in altera vita, et prae reliquis damnosissimae, quoniam seducere possunt quoscunque adeunt, si non auferuntur et tutantur a Domino; est nefanda turba, intrant enim in omnium affectiones tam bonas quam malas, artibus tam phantasticis quam magicis, conspirant cum omnibus infernis, verbo prae caeteris sunt diabolicae. Sunt tales etiam viri, qui in mundo similiter fecerunt, et inierunt amicitias cujuscunque per insinuationem in eorum affectiones et lucra, solum lucrandi causa, et obtinendi imperium super illis, et per illos sic dominandi, et illis indifferens fuit, si insinuarent se per pietatem, per charitatem et amorem, vel per impietatem, prophanationem, per neces, per adblandimenta omnium malorum, per juramenta, etc.

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