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《灵界经历》 第5487节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5487

5487. The women who are sirens lived together on a mountain in the southern quarter toward the western quarter where they formed a unit, and they attacked everyone roundabout, even those who quite distant from them, for this is what they are like. On this account they were visited, and they were found to be like this. As result, they were forcibly brought down from this mountain a distance toward the western line or border and quite a distance beyond it. [They were moved] so far that they were scarcely seen, at the western part beyond the border there, at the outermost boundary of Christianity, but where Christianity ended, since they had no religion. And there they were hurled into a broad lake situated across from there in the western quarter, at O there, the worst of them near to the line. The siren-mountain, that is to say, where the Sirens were, was at Q.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5487

5487. The siren-women dwelt together upon a mountain in the southern quarter, towards the western, where they were together, and infested all round about, even those who were very far removed from them - for such is their nature: wherefore, visitation was made upon them, and it was found that they were of such a quality. For this reason, they were brought down, by force, from the mountain far away towards the western line, and a very great distance above it, till they scarcely appeared - to the western side, beyond the line there, to the farthest boundary of the Christian territory (but where the Christian domain ends, inasmuch as they had no religion); and there they were cast into a lake there situated, crosswise to the western quarter in that part - at O [Fig. 10] 1there: the worse ones amongst them being the nearer to the line. The sirenic mountain, or the one where the sirens were, was at Q [Fig. 10].


1. Figure 10 is a drawing of a square, each side of which is labeled with a direction - with east being on the top. From the four corners proceed straight dashed lines leading to various areas. Above the drawing are some mountains.

Experientiae Spirituales 5487 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5487. Sirenes mulieres habitabant simul super monte in meridionali plaga versus occidentalem, ubi una erant, ac infestabant omnes circum circa, etiam qui remotissime ab illis, nam tales sunt; quapropter visitati, ac inventi quod tales, inde vi a monte illo deducti sunt remote versus lineam occidentalem et supra illam remotissime, usque ut vix apparerent, ad partem occidentalem ultra lineam ibi, ad ultimum terminum Christianismi, sed ubi Christianismus terminatur, quoniam illis nulla religio, et ibi conjecti sunt in lacum ibi latum transversim ibi in occidentali plaga situm, ibi ad O: pejores illarum propius ad lineam; mons sirenicus seu ubi Sirenes erat ad Q.

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