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《灵界经历》 第5488节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5488

5488. After those women who had been in the mountain had been thrown there, they were taken out from their own hell which was in the southern quarter near the middle where there was an enormous mass of them, they were there sent and brought down there for many years. The number and the mass of them were enormous. It seemed to fill the whole impossibly wide intervening space. There were several thousand. A way out for them opened in the southern tract, and they were brought down to the same lake, and all of them thrown into it.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5488

5488. After those women who were in the mountain were cast into the lake mentioned, they were borne away by their own hell - which was in the southern quarter near the middle-space - where was an immense multitude of them. They have been sent and led down thither for many years. The number and multitude was enormous, and seemed to fill the whole exceedingly extensive intermediate space. There were as many as several myriads. An exit opened for them in the southern region, and they were brought down to the same place and all cast thither.

Experientiae Spirituales 5488 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5488. Postquam illae quae in monte fuerunt conjectae illuc sunt, efferebantur ex inferno suo, quod in meridionali plaga prope meditullium, ubi ingens multitudo illarum, illuc missae et deductae per plures annos, erat numerus et multitudo ingens, visa implere totum spatium intermedium quam amplissimum, erant ad aliquot myriades, patuit exitus pro illis in meridionali tractu, et deducebantur ad eundem lacum, et omnes illuc conjectae sunt.

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