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《灵界经历》 第5489节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5489

5489. After this, those women who had hidden themselves away in the mountain were searched for. There was a search by men of a similarly malicious nature. These were seen going into a cave in the middle of the mountain. They climbed up to it. And it seemed that around the mountain on the other side of it they dug out a track for the purpose [of having] a well-made track that circled around and led from cavern to cavern. To it the worst of the women, those who had even murdered, and had applied themselves to magical practices and profaned holy things, had fled and taken refuge. They were thrown down through the hole in the middle of the mountain and were hurled into the lake there on the southern side.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5489

5489. After this, some were sought for who had hidden themselves in the mountain. The search was prosecuted by men of a like wickedness to the women's. They seemed to enter a shaft which was in the midst of the mountain. They stole into this; and it seemed that they excavated a space there around the mountain, at another part of it, to an extraordinary distance, which went round and round and at length from cavern to cavern. Thither fled the worst of those women, who have also committed murders and studied magical arts, and likewise profaned holy things. Those women were thrown down there through the shaft in the midst of the mountain, and were cast into a place there towards the southern side.

Experientiae Spirituales 5489 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5489. Postea inquirebantur quae se recondiderant in monte, inquisitio fuit per viros similis malitiae, illi visi intrare antrum quod in medio monte, subiverunt id, et visum quod excavaverint spatium ibi circum montem a parte altera ejus, ad insigne spatium quod ducebatur circum, et tandem a caverna in cavernam, illuc confugerunt pessimae illarum, quae neces quoque commiserunt, et magicis studuerunt, et quae prophanarunt sancta, illae ibi dejectae per antrum in medio montis, et conjectae sunt in lacum ibi versus meridionale latus.

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