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《灵界经历》 第5491节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5491

5491. After this the men like this were hurled into the lake there at P 1, in the southern part. They were raised up from below the ground in the western region, first those who had been there below the ground near the southern line. These were led down over the mountain to the lake of those [at P] and hurled into the part of it nearer toward the corner line. Afterwards worse ones arose from beneath the ground almost in the middle of the western region. They were able to enter into the affections of others just like the sirens, equally as much through profane things as through holy ones. They too were led down beyond the line toward the mountain of the sirens, but from its western side to the same lake, into the middle of it.

[2] At the end, those had been the worst of all were rising up from under the earth in the west nearer the northern line, those who had been murderers, thieves, adulterers, atheists, appearing nonetheless like angels of light, putting on a show of holiness. Also those arose who in secret had exercised magic arts which they had learned from a diabolical crowd, [but] about which they nevertheless had divulged nothing in the world. These too were led over the corner line, but to the eastern side of the mountain, to this lake, and hurled toward its far corner. In this way they were hidden away so that they would never be seen. And so that wicked crowd was hurled into hell. There was a great number of them too.


1. See sketch in nr. 5470.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5491

5491. Afterwards, the men of such a quality were cast into the place P [Fig. 10] 1there, which is on the southern side. They were led beneath, out of the underground [places] in the western region; and, first, those who were there under the earth near to the southern line. These were conducted down over the mountain to their place, and cast into the part of it nearer towards the angle-line. Then, from underground, rose up, in the western part, almost in the midst, some worse ones, who, in like manner with the sirens, were able to enter into the affections of others, equally by means of profane and by means of holy things. They were also taken down over the line towards the sirenic mountain - but at the western side of it - to the same lake, into the midst thereof. And, finally, there rose up from underground, in the west, close to the northern line, those who have been the worst of all, who have committed murders, thefts and adulteries; who have been atheists and nevertheless appeared like angels of light - making a display of holiness; who, also, have, in secret, practiced magical arts which they have learned from the diabolical crew - about which, however, nothing was divulged in the world. They, also, were brought down upon the angle-line, but at the eastern side of the mountain, to that lake, and were cast thither towards its farther angle thus, they were hidden so that they might never appear [again]. Thus was that atrocious crew cast into hell: it was also exceedingly numerous.


1. Figure 10 is a drawing of a square, each side of which is labeled with a direction - with east being on the top. From the four corners proceed straight dashed lines leading to various areas. Above the drawing are some mountains.

Experientiae Spirituales 5491 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5491. Postea conjecti sunt viri tales in lacum ibi P qui in parte meridionali, illi subducti sunt ex subterraneis in tractu occidentali, primum qui ibi fuerunt sub terra propius ad meridionalem lineam, hi deducti sunt supra montem ad lacum illorum, et conjecti sunt. in partem ejus versus angularem lineam propius, postea ex subterraneo in occidentali medio fere assurgebant pejores, qui similiter ac sirenes intrare potuerunt in affectiones aliorum, per prophana aeque ac per sancta, illi deducebantur etiam supra lineam, versus montem sirenicum sed ab occidentali ejus latere ad lacum eundem, in medium ejus; et denique assurgebant ex subterraneo in occidente propius ad septentrionalem lineam, qui fuerunt omnium pessimi, qui neces commisere, qui furta, qui adulteria, qui athei, et tamen apparebant sicut lucis angeli, praeferentes sanctitatem, etiam qui in clandestino exercuerunt artes magicas, quas didicerunt a turba diabolica, de quibus tamen nihil vulgarunt in mundo, illi deducti sunt etiam super lineam angularem, sed ad orientale latus montis, ad lacum eum, et illuc conjecti sunt versus angulum ejus ulteriorem, sic absconditi, ut nusquam apparerent. Ita turba illa nefanda in infernum conjecta, fuit numerus etiam magnus.

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