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《灵界经历》 第5492节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5492

5492. About the State after death, and about the hells

Er[land] Br[oman] 1

There was a certain person known to me in the world (Er[land] Br[oman]) who lived indulgently and cared about nothing except the things of this world. When he was going to die he prepared himself devoutly, more so than others, and so much so that the priests and everyone else believed that he was going to come into heaven on account of his repentance at the time. I spoke with him on this third day after his death; and then immediately upon [his] meeting acquaintances there and seeing things which had been a delight to him in the world, he returned to his original way of living so that his repentance at the time of his death accomplished nothing at all.


1. A baron and assessor, then president, of the College of Commerce, and panderer to the King's vices.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5492


There was a certain one (Erik Brahe), known to me in the world, who, while in the world, lived gaily, and cared only for worldly things. When he was about to die, he prepared himself more devoutly than anyone, until the priest and all [present] believed he would come into heaven on account of his repentance at that time. I spoke with him the third day after death; and then, immediately he encountered acquaintances there and saw such things as he had taken delight in the world, he returned to his former life; so that his repentance at the time of death amounted to nothing at all.

Experientiae Spirituales 5492 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5492. De Statu post mortem, et de infernis

Er. Br. 1

Fuit quidam notus mihi in mundo (Er. Br.) qui dum fuit in mundo vixit genio, et solum mundana curavit, is cum moriturus, se devote praeparavit, plus quam alius, usque ut sacerdos et omnes crederent illum venturum in coelum propter poenitentiam tunc; cum illo loquutus sum tertio die post mortem, et tunc statim, ut convenit notos ibi et vidit talia quibus delectatus est in mundo, ad pristinam vitam rediit, sic ut poenitentia in tempore mortis prorsus nihil fecerit.


1. = Erland Broman (cf. indicem ad Broman)

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