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《灵界经历》 第5493节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5493

5493. On the fourth day after his death he was called to judgment. He was led below into the western region toward the south, a little from the center. There the number of adulteries he had committed was made known: that he had killed one woman, violently raped very many, besides hundreds of other adulteries. After this the schemes he had used to pilfer money and had thus stolen clandestinely were enumerated in order, which were upwards of several hundred and thousands of copper thalers, and these were enumerated in a long series, one after another. And he could not deny anything of all. This enumeration took place [in order] based on the parts of his body [which he used to commit these sins]. He had lived in endless luxury and used wicked tricks, on which account he was today immediately hurled into hell, now first where there are filthy things coming from adulteries and rapes. He appeared black like a devil there. Communication with heaven was seen to be taken away from him, which appeared like rays of light being lifted away from him.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5493

5493. On the fourth day after death, he was summoned to judgment, being led below, in the western quarter towards the south, somewhat away from the middle; and, there, how many adulteries he committed was disclosed; that he murdered one woman, and ravished many by force, besides hundreds of other adulteries. After this, were recounted, in order, the tricks by which he stole wealth, and thus robbed by clandestine arts; which he did as much as many hundreds [of times], and up to many thousands of copper Thalers. And these things were enumerated in long succession, one after another; nor was he able to deny anything. The enumeration took place according to the members of the body. He had lived continually in luxury and in the practice of atrocious arts; wherefore, he was that day cast immediately into hell. [He was] now, first, where are the filthinesses which proceed from adulteries and rapes. He there appeared black, like a devil. Communication with heaven seemed to be taken away - which appeared like streaks of light being lifted from him.

Experientiae Spirituales 5493 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5493. Quarto die post mortem vocatus est ad judicium, ductus infra in occidentali plaga versus merid. paulo a medio, et ibi detecta sunt quot adulteria commisit, quod unam necaverit, plures vi violaverit, praeter centena alia adulteria: postea recensitum ordine quibus artibus surripuerit pecunias, et sic clandestinis artibus furatus, quod fuit ad aliquot centena, et ad aliquot milliones thalerorum cupr. et haec recensita longa serie, unum post alterum, nec potuit quicquam negare, recensitio fiebat secundum membra corporis, vixerat continue in luxuria, et artibus nefandis, quapropter eo die conjectus est statim in infernum, nunc primum ubi foeditates sunt ex adulteriis et violationibus. Apparebat niger sicut diabolus, ibi: auferri videbatur communicatio cum coelo, quod apparebat sicut lucis striae ab illo elevari.

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