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《灵界经历》 第5494节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5494

5494. After this he was brought out from there but was scarcely in control of himself. Nevertheless, something in him was aroused and the hells with which he had been in the world were discovered. They were extremely malicious, for he had committed many crimes, and he always blocked the way in such a way that he could not be attacked. Among the other hells was one in the west toward the northern corner under the earth where were the most criminal hells and also very many who were extremely malicious. There was communication with one of them, and then those who were conspiring with him were severely punished.

[2] As a result, others who also tried to rise up lamented with a loud voice that if he wandered about freely, they would encounter his severe punishments, which they lamented loudly. From this it was evident that because they feared punishment they could never rise up out of their hells, for they lamented with a loud voice that if he were free, they could not otherwise than rise up and be punished, which was to say, if he were to bring them back to being disdainfully proud and to such things as arise from pride.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5494

5494. After this he was removed thence, but with scarcely any mastery over himself. Still, some things which were with him were called forth, and the hells with which he had been associated when in the world, were discovered. They were most wicked; for he had committed many crimes, and always so prepared the way beforehand that the affair could not be brought home to him. Among other hells, was one in the west towards the northern angle under the earth; in which part were many most infamous and most wicked hells. There was communication with one of these; and, then, they who conspired with him were grievously punished. Hence, others, who also endeavored to rise up, bewailed, in a loud voice, that, if he roamed about at large, they would run into his grievous punishments - about which they made great lamentations. It was hence manifest that they could by no means rise up out of the hells, for fear of punishment; for they bewailed, in a loud voice, that if he was free they could not do otherwise than rise up and be punished - that is, if he should bring them into pride and into such things as relate to pride.

Experientiae Spirituales 5494 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5494. Postea inde eximebatur sed vix sui compos, usque excitabatur quaedam quae apud illum et detecta sunt inferna, cum quibus fuerat in mundo, quae malitiosissima, nam commiserat multa facinora, et semper praestruxit ita viam, ut non posset adiri, inter alia inferna erat unum in occidente versus angulum septentrionalem sub terra, ubi inferna flagitiosissima, et quoque malitiosissima plura, cum uno illorum communicatio fuit, et tunc illi qui cum eo conspirabant, graviter puniti sunt; inde alii qui etiam assurgere conati sunt, lamentati sunt alta voce, quod si is vagaretur liber circum, incurrerent in suas poenas graves, de quibus alte lamentati sunt, inde patuit, quod neutiquam possint assurgere ex infernis ex timore poenae, nam alta voce lamentati sunt, quod si is liber esset, non possent aliter quam assurgere et puniri, quod erat si eos in fastum reduceret, et in talia quae fastus.

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