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《灵界经历》 第5496节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5496

5496. About the hells of the poisoners, assassins, and murderers

Those who have been poisoners, assassins, and murderers in the world, in the other life are immediately brought into hell and purged. And lest they sally out and do harmful things, they are tortured with very severe punishments and tormented to the point that they no longer dare to climb out of it. The first hell of them is in the western region toward the north, somewhat distant from the center. There are many levels, according with the depth of the evil. There one torments another and finally to the point that they lie as if half-deadנlike phlegm, it is said, in the light of heaven, with very little inner life.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5496


They who, in the world, have been poisoners, assassins and murderers, are, in the other life, carried immediately into hell and vastated; and, lest they should sally forth thence and commit evils, they are tortured and tormented with the most grievous punishments until they no longer talk of ascending therefrom. The hell of these is the first in the western quarter towards the north, somewhat remotely from the middle. There are several depths there, according to the degree of the evil. In that part, they torture one another, even, at length, until they lie as if half-dead - [appearing] in the light of heaven, it is said, like phlegm, with very little interior life.

Experientiae Spirituales 5496 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5496. De inferno veneficorum, sicariorum, et homicidarum

Qui in mundo venefici, sicarii, et homicidae fuerunt, in altera vita statim in infernum feruntur, et vastantur, et ne inde se ejiciant et mala faciant, gravissimis poenis torquentur et cruciantur, usque dum non amplius hiscunt inde ascendere, infernum eorum primum est in occidentali plaga versus septentrionem aliquantum remote a medio, profunditates sunt plures secundum mali gradum, ibi cruciat unus alterum, et tandem usque ut jaceant sicut demimortui, dicitur sicut phlegma in luce coeli, cum interiore vita perpauca.

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