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《灵界经历》 第550节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 550

550. When I spoke with them, saying that no one can do anything good of himself, but from the only Lord, Who is Good Itself, and the fountain of all goodness, their angels replied modestly that they thought they could do good, and could not tell differently than that it is they who are doing the good. But after that, on being shown that all good that is thought and done, comes solely from the Lord of the Universe - and shown in such a way that they could comprehend it - then they replied that they are speaking in accordance with human custom, and we in a heavenly manner.

So they did acknowledge, but said it was simpler to think as they did. This too was explained to them, namely, that the Lord leaves those who live in that simplicity free to think in this way, just so they know. They were also present, but from afar, when I was writing these words; yet in such a way that they were nevertheless present, through mediating spirits.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 550

550. When I was speaking with them, I said that no one can do anything good of himself, but from the One Only Lord who is Good Itself, and the Fount of all goodness. Their angels modestly replied that they suppose they themselves can do good, nor can they know otherwise than that they are the ones who do good. But afterwards, when it was shown them that all the good that was thought and done comes solely from the Lord of the universe - and it was shown so that they could comprehend it - they then replied that they speak according to human usage, and we in a heavenly manner; thus they acknowledged it, but they taught that it was simpler so to think. It was also shown them that the Lord allows those who live in that simplicity so to think, provided that they know how the case is. They were also present when I was writing these things, but at a distance, yet in such a way that they were present through the mediations of spirits.

Experientiae Spirituales 550 (original Latin 1748-1764)

550. Quando cum iis loquutus sum, quod nemo aliquod bonum agere possit, a se, sed ab unico Domino, Qui est Ipsum Bonum, et fons omnis bonitatis, modeste respondebant eorum angeli, quod autument se posse bonum agere, nec aliter scire, quam quod ii sint, qui bonum agunt, sed dein cum iis ostensum est, quod omne bonum, quod cogitatum et factum, veniat unice a Domino Universi, et ostensum ita ut comprehendere possent, tunc respondebant, quod ii humano more loquantur, et nos coelesti modo, sic agnoscebant, sed id simplicius esse dicebant 1

, ita cogitare, quod etiam iis ostensum est, quod Dominus relinquat iis, qui in simplicitate ista vivunt, ita cogitare, modo id sciant; adfuerunt etiam, sed e longinquo, cum haec scriberem 2

, ita tamen ut adessent, per mediationes spirituum.


1. nisi cum in J.F.I. Tafel's edition legeris docebant

2. This is how it appears in J.F.I. Tafel's edition; the Manuscript has scribere; vide autem praefationem hujus editionis ac "Idiosyncrasies"

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