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《灵界经历》 第5502节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5502

5502. First the hells of those nations that were to the south and to the east were moved, the magical hells being in the south and the fantastical hells in the east. And those who were there, an enormous number, were hurled into the western sea and into the western quagmire toward the north. This happened in the following way: all who were in the magical hells at the south were brought out of them and hurled into the western sea, at its southern part, along the entire shore, for a long stretch toward the west. For that sea extends lengthwise to the west; it isn't very wide. And after this their magic's paraphernalia, reduced to powder, was scattered and spread over the sea. The powder looked like chaff. After this those who were in the fantastical hells to the east were brought out at almost the same distance from the center, and those who were there were led on the northern route to the west. And part of them were hurled into the western quagmire toward the north there and part into the western sea on the shore facing north, in a long row, and in enormous number.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5502

5502. At first, were transferred those hells, belonging to these communities, which were at the south and at the east - those at the south being magical hells, and those at the east, phantastical - and those who were there, were cast in the western sea, in vast number, and into the western gulf towards the north. This happened in the following manner: all who were in the magical hells at the south, were driven out thence and cast into the western sea at its southern part, and along its entire shore, for a great extent towards the west - for the sea extends, in its length, to the west; its width was not great - and, after this, the magical [paraphernalia], reduced to powder, were scattered and strewed upon the sea: which powder looked like chaff. After this, those who were in the phantastical hells at the east, were driven out, also, to a nearly equal distance from the midst; and those who were there were conducted, by way of the north to the west, and part of them were cast into the western gulf there, towards the north, and part in the western sea, at the shore looking to the north - also in a long procession and an immense number.

Experientiae Spirituales 5502 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5502. Primum inferna ex illis gentibus translata sunt, quae ad meridiem et ad orientem, inferna magica ad meridiem, et phantastica ad orientem; et illi qui ibi ingenti numero conjecti sunt in mare occidentale, et in voraginem occidentalem versus septentrionem; quod ita factum: omnes qui in infernis magicis ad meridiem inde eximebantur, et conjiciebantur in mare occidentale, a parte ejus meridionali, secundum omne litus ejus, ad multam extensionem versus occidentem, nam extenditur id mare ad occidentem in longitudine, latitudo non est magna; et postea magica eorum in pulverem redacta dissipabantur et sternebantur super mare, qui pulvis apparebat sicut paleae. Postea eximebantur illi qui in infernis phantasticis ad orientem, etiam ad distantiam paene similem a medio, et illi qui ibi deducebantur via septentrionis ad occidentem, et pars eorum conjecti sunt in voraginem occidentalem ibi versus septentrionem, et pars in mare occidentale ad litus spectans septentrionem, etiam longa serie, et ingenti numero.

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