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《灵界经历》 第5503节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5503

5503. After this a great multitude of spirits from the west were brought out. They were those who were under the earth there and had been hidden away by the Lord and in this way preserved from contagion by others who were idolaters. They were brought out of there from various places and led to the south, to the east, into the north, and in fact into places where the evil spirits had been before, so that the dwellings of the evil spirits were given to these spirits just as the land of the gentiles was given the Sons of Israel in Canaan, and this was done in the surrounding area, forming a circumference. Those who were led to the south were those who had led a moral life from things they knew about it, so they had lived well morally, but not spiritually, because they had no concepts of the truths of faith since it had been denied them to read the Word. Still, since they had lived in this way they were received. Those led to the east, to almost the same distance from the center of the hells there, were those who said they love God without concepts about how He should be loved. I then saw a person lying, backside down, carried there with face looking heavenward, by which was a symbolized that they had been like this. These were brought by a short way across the middle to places where they were going to live. Those who were brought to the north were those who said they loved the neighbor, and took the neighbor to be whoever is wretched and unfortunate, with almost no difference. And they did this, too, out of a lack of higher knowledge [of whom the neighbor is], because they were in ignorance as a result of the trickery the monks worked for the sake of their wealth and worship. These, too, were brought by a short way. They were there in enormous numbers, up to several thousands. In the western region, also at almost the same distance from the center, were placed those who had their worship from early religious beliefs and had done just as their parents, not departing from the religious belief of their parents, due to a lack of knowledge. These lay hidden near the western sea, on the side looking to the north. All these and those mentioned above were from the Catholic nation and were simple, good people.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5503

5503. Afterwards, were taken from the west, in vast multitude, spirits who were under the earth there, and were concealed by the Lord, and so preserved from the contagion of the rest, who were idolaters. They were taken from various places there, and were conducted to the south, to the east, and to the north, and even into places where the evil were previously; so that their dwellings were given them, like the lands of the nations to the sons of Israel in Canaan; and this, too, round about, making a circumference. Those who were conducted to the south, were those who led a moral life from knowledges thereof; so that they lived well morally, but not spiritually because they did not possess the knowledges of the truths of faith, inasmuch as the reading of the Word was denied them; still, they were thus accepted. Those conducted to the east, almost at an equal distance from the middle-place of the hells there, were those who said they loved God, but yet were destitute of knowledges as to how He ought to be loved. There was then seen a prostrate man carried through, thither, with face towards heaven; by which was signified that they were like that: these were borne by a short cut, over the midst, to the places they were to inhabit there. Those who were conducted to the north, were those who said they loved the neighbor, but regarded as neighbor whomsoever was wretched and unfortunate, almost without distinction; and this, likewise, from lack of knowledges, inasmuch as they were in ignorance, by reason of the cunning of the monks for the sake of gain and self-worship. There, also, were conducted by a short cut. There was a vast number of them, even to many myriads. In the western quarter, and almost at a like distance from the middle, were placed those who had their worship from the old-established religion, and did like their parents, - not falling away from their religion by reason of their lack of knowledges. These lay hidden near by the western sea, on the shore looking to the north. All these, and those who are mentioned above, were of the Catholic community, and simple-good.

Experientiae Spirituales 5503 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5503. Postea eximebantur ingenti multitudine spiritus ab occidente qui sub terra ibi, et reconditi sunt a Domino, et sic conservati a contagio caeterorum, qui idololatrici: exemti ibi ex variis locis, et deducti ad meridiem, ad orientem, et ad septentrionem; et quidem in loca ubi prius mali, sic ut habitationes illorum datae sint illis, sicut terra gentium filiis Israelis in Canaane; et hoc quoque circum circa, facientes circumferentiam; qui ad meridiem deducebantur, erant qui moralem vitam egerunt, ex cognitionibus de illa, sic ut bene vixerint moraliter, et non spiritualiter, quia non cognitiones de veris fidei habuerunt; quoniam denegatum eis legere Verbum: usque sic acceptati. Qui ad orientem deducti paene ad similem distantiam a medio loco infernorum ibi, erant qui dicebant se amare Deum, sed usque absque cognitionibus, quomodo amandus: visus tunc homo supinus, perlatus illuc, facie versus coelum, per quod significabatur quod tales fuerint; hi ferebantur via brevi super medium ad loca quae habitanda ibi. Qui ad septentrionem deducti sunt, erant qui dicebant se amare proximum, et pro proximo habuerunt quemcunque miserum et infortunatum paene absque discrimine; et hoc quoque ex defectu cognitionum, quia in ignorantia ex astutia monachorum propter lucra et cultum sui; hi quoque via brevi deducti sunt, erant ingens numerus, ad plures myriades: in occidentali plaga etiam ad similem paene distantiam a medio positi erant qui ex religioso antiquo cultum habebant, ac fecerunt sicut parentes, non abscedentes ab illorum religioso propter defectum cognitionum, hi reconditi jacuerunt prope mare occidentale ad latus spectans septentrionem; omnes hi et illi qui supra memorati ex gente Catholica, et simplices boni.

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