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《灵界经历》 第552节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 552

552. Furthermore, their angels are separate and, except for their very inward and innermost angels, cannot so well be together with our heavens; for the inward angels' own qualities, when they mingle with heavenly and spiritual angels, do not harmonize. Their fantasies, and similar phenomena to which they are subject, are different, for which reason they cannot so much be together, except by a general influence. However, the very inward and innermost angels make up one heaven throughout the universe.

1748, the 26th day of January.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 552

552. Moreover, their angels are distinct and thus are not together with our heavens, except their more interior and inmost angels. For the propriums of those who are interior, when consociated with those who are celestial and spiritual, do not concord, for their phantasies and like things, which are subordinated, are different; therefore they cannot thus be together, except by a general influx. But the more interior and the inmost angels constitute one heaven throughout the universe. 1748, Jan. 26.

Experientiae Spirituales 552 (original Latin 1748-1764)

552. Praeterea angeli eorum distincti sunt, nec ita simul cum nostris coelis, nisi eorum intimiores ac intimi, nam qui interiores sunt, eorum propria, consociata cum coelestibus et spiritualibus non concordant, nam aliae sunt eorum phantasiae, et similia, quae subordinantur, quare non possunt ita simul esse, nisi per influxum communem; at vero intimiores 1

ac intimi unum coelum per universum constituunt. 1748, die 26 Jan.


1. The Manuscript has intimioes

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